CInema timeline

By danny98
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    The First Photo

    Was taken by the french Engineer Nicéphore Niépce, he took a snap from his house to his barn in Saint Loup de Varennes, France
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    First Audio Recorded

    A woman Sang " Au Claire de La Lune"
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    The first motion picture

    In 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge photoshooted a horse in California using 12 stereoscopic cameras.
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    1st celluloid film

    Technique invented by Louis Aime Augustin using a singlee-lens camera
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    Kinetoscope and Vitascope

    Thomas Edison and Whilliam Dickson invented 'em. Created for view and produce moving pictures
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    Lumiere brothers were the earliest filmakers, and inveted the cinematographe, a decive combining a camera and a projector.
    The produced a movie called " Exiting the factory"
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    Special effects

    George Melies was the father of special effects.
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    First horror movie

    He produced a movie called "Le Manoir du Diable"
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    First sci-fi movie

    Produced a movie called "A Trip to the moon" A science Fiction movie
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    "Classic" movies

    " A L'Ecu d'Or ou la bonne auberge" Was the first movie for adult ever produced
    In 1918 The movie "Tarzan" was produced
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    Sound in the cinema

    The Warner Brothers produced a movie called "The Jazz Singer", the first movie with sound
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    Producers attempted to add color in the films, in 1941 Technicolor made it, but it was a very expensive technique and complicated
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    Coloured films

    After de WW II, the color's technique became famous
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    "Slapstick style"

    Produced stars like Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, a company that made things involving exaggerated physical activity which exceeds the boundaries of normal physical comedy
  • Cinema Timeline

    Cinema Timeline
    The story of a great industry.