Vintage film projector and film screening fsh2pgv scaled

Cinema Through The Century

  • Edison Company - Kinetoscope

    Edison Company - Kinetoscope
    In 1891, The Edison Company created the kinetoscope which allowed for an individual to look at different moving photos. Public spaces were made called parlors for viewings.
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere Brothers were the first to project different images to an audience. Payment was made in order for viewing. Taking place in Paris, France using what was called a Cinematographe. It was a projector.
  • The Film Industry

    The Film Industry
    In 1914, many countries including America and Europe established a national film industry. These focused more on narrative story with people paying to see these films worldwide. Many cinemas were built at this time, with the American film industry rising after the events of World War One.
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    The Addition of Color

    Different color styles were used, natural color was produced. Though this was a very expensive and tedious process of the times. Not until 1932 when the three- color process entered the scene allowing for easier and less expensive methods to be used to bring color to the big screen. Films such as "Gone with the Wind" used this technique.
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    The Golden Age of Film

    By the early 1930's, films of featured length were presented with full sound and color. During this time period the American Film industry grew in popularity and Hollywood began to take shape as the place to be in regards to movies. The cinema was very popular in the culture, it being everyone's main source of entertainment and fun. Large auditoriums were made which sat thousands of people. It truly was peak cinema experience.
  • The 1950's - Big Epics

    The 1950's - Big Epics
    Film during the 1950's took a turn, the audience had shifted, with several films being geared now towards the younger generations. Rock and Roll was all the rage, and this influenced the film industry. Films like "Rock, Rock, Rock" in 1956, and "The Blob" in 1958 reflect a shift towards appealing to the youth.
  • The 60's - Studio Systems Decline

    The 60's - Studio Systems Decline
    During the 60's, the power of Hollywood as on a steady decline. Independent production companies were popping up which led to the decline of Hollywood's studio system's. Films like "Mary Poppins", and "The Sound of Music" came about during this time. Often shooting these films on location, with use of different production companies within the UK and across the globe.
  • 1980's

    A decade dominated by the VCR, the sales of films for watching at home became the main way for audiences to watch cinema. Lucas and Spielberg were major players during this time producing films such as Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Tron. The films Scarface and Batman also become classics during the late 1980's. Putting Al Pacino and Jack Nicholson at the top of their game. Hong Kong cinema also rose to power as big action films staring the infamous Jackie Chan were made.
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    1990s - Early 2000s

    This rise of computer generated imager and the introduction of DVDs were a highlight of this time. We also see big stars demanding different perks from the studios such as private jets and bigger checks. The studio DreamWorks was created, and internet film marketing became a popular thing with the making of "The Blair Witch Project". Other major films included "Forrest Gump", "Jurassic Park" and the "English Patient" starring Ralph Fiennes. DVR also came into being offering recording.
  • Film Today

    Film Today
    Today, in the midst of a pandemic we see that China has become the largest source of ticket revenue for films. Although the US still remains the major exporter of all things in film production. Streaming services have now taken over, with over hundreds of titles being available at the push of a button. Services like Disney Plus, HBO Max, and Netflix dominating the field.