
Cinema History

  • First photograph

    First still photograph taken, using a glass plate technique.
  • The Phenakistoscope

    Joseph Plateu and his sons introduced the Phenakistoscope.
    It was the most succesfull illusion toy.
  • Intermittent Mechanisms

    This was very important for the development of motion pictures
  • The first movie projector

    The first movie projector to be ever patented on the USA
  • Praxinoscope

    Emile Reynaud introduces th praxinoscope
  • First Motion Pictures Ever Projected

    First Motion Pictures Ever Projected
    The first "movie" ever projected.
    "The Moving Horse"
  • The Praxinoscope Evolvs

    Emile Reynaud adds mirors and a lantern to his invention
  • First home movie ever made

    First home movie ever made
    The french made the first movie that you could whach at home
  • First movie ever projected

    First movie ever projected
    This was the first movie to be ever projected on a wall
  • First motion pictures for an audience

    First motion pictures for an audience
    The motion pictures was the first step for movie making