Prince Kai visits Cinder's booth
Prince Kai showed up to Cinder’s booth in a gray hoodie. He was looking to repair an android that suddenly shut down. The conversation was very awkward for Cinder because Kai was try to go unnoticed in the crowded market place. There wasn’t a way for her to fix the android simply, so she kept it for the time being. This leads her to more encounters with the Prince. -
Cinder is volunteered
In Commonwealth, letumosis is becoming more and more common. Cyborgs like Cinder have been getting drafted for the use of letumosis testing. Scientists have been trying to find a cure for a long time, and Adri- Cinder’s legal guardian- signed her up to be drafted after Peony was diagnosed. -
Peony catches letumosis
Cinder needed to find a piece of equipment at a junkyard, and her younger sister Peony tagged along. Cinder and Peony have a strong bond, at least stronger compared to Cinder’s relationship with their other sister Pearl. Letumosis- better known as “The Blue Fever” or “The Plague”- has no known cause or cure. Cinder found a tell tale spot on her collarbone, and another on the back of her hand -
Levana's announcement
Queen Levana is the royal monarch of a race of Lunars, who of course, live on the moon. It would be safe to call her somewhat of an alien, but no one refers to any Lunar that way. Shortly after Emperor Rikan died of letumosis, the Queen called Kai to ‘show her sympathy’, and announce to Kai that she would be coming to Earth. The members of Commonwealth, as well as the rest of the world, do not trust lunars. Kai became Emperor in his father’s place.He also has a bad feeling about her visit for th -
Kai's message
When Cinder was kept home from the ball, she was left wandering around her own quarters. Unexpectedly, an old netscreen started beeping. Cinder had received a call from an unknown link. The girl on the other end of the call was looking for someone in the palace, so she could tell Emperor Kai that Queen Levana’s stay on Earth was just a set-up to become Queen. Cinder decides that she will deliver the message to Kai, but she has to stay undetected, as she was still not permitted to go to the ball. -
Please welcome: Linh Cinder
Earlier on,Emperor Kai Invited Cinder to the annual ball. She promptly declined, but Kai left the offer open for her. Now that she was at the ball, guards at the entrance were most likely notified to announce her presence when she arrived. Loudly, the speakers spoke of the Emperor’s personal guest, Linh Cinder.Now everyone at the ball knew that she was there, including Adri. -
Cinder's reveal
Throughout Cinder’s struggles, she has kept her secret of being cyborg hidden from Kai. She thought he would push her out of his life. Considering how most people treated being a cyborg, she believed Kai would act the same. To Cinder’s surprise, Kai didn’t mind. He only asked her why she hadn't told him before then. -
Cinder is targetted
As if Adri’s rage wasn’t enough, Queen Levana also found her as a threat. Cinder is a type of cyborg that the Queen can’t control. Lunars have a brainwashing magic that is called glamour; anyone who falls victim to it will see what the controlling Lunar wants to see/have their feelings manipulated. Queen Levana depends on her constant glamour to keep her subjects on Luna in line. She uses this same glamour on Earthen citizens. But, Cinder has special programming to resist the Queen’s control. -
Cinder's capture
After a short conversation and shooting down a chandelier, Queen Levana took Cinder in as a fugitive prisoner. She managed to convince Kai to bargain for Cinder’s life. Of course-since Kai is the new Emperor- Levana only asked to be Empress. Therefore, Cinder was taken away under the Queen’s orders, and Kai is to marry her.