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Cimarah Vocabulary timeline

  • plagiarism

    I told him to spell plagiarism the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. The Hunger Games
  • Assess

    I lean back against the trunk of my tree, one finger gingerly stroking the sandpaper of my tongue, as I assess my opinions. evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.THE HUNGER GAMES
  • meticulous

    showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. I place my feet carefully, block out the rest of the world as I take metculous aim.
  • scrupulously

    very concerned to avoid doing wrong. Today I will have to be scrupulously careful. The hunger games page 250
  • incoherence

    (of a person) unable to speak intelligibly. ¨Hes like listening to Haymitch before the alcohol has soaked him into incoherence. The hunger games page #276
  • evasively

    The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins Thatś excatly the kind of topic Haymitch told me to steer clear of: I say evasively directed toward avoidance or escape
  • tentatively

    The hunger games by Suzanne Collins I tentatively lift my left hand above the cover. done without confidence; hesitant
  • prophetic

    accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future. " Your stylist turned out to be prophetic in his wardrobe choice. Catching fire By Suzanne Collins page 23
  • besotted

    strongly infatuated. " Caesar is beside himself, the capital audience is hysterical, shots of crowds around Panem show a country besotted with happiness. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins pg 73
  • instantaneous

    occurring or done in an instant or instantly " The pain is blinding and instantaneous" Catching Fire pg # 106
  • belligerently

    hostile and aggressive. "Who are you?" I ask warily but less belligerently." Catching Fire pg 140
  • inevitable

    Catching Fire pg 178-209
    "She's bigger than he is and just as fast, and when the inevitable fight comes, its bloody and awful and both have received what could well be fatal wounds, when Haymitch is finally disarmed."

    certain to happen; unavoidable
  • guffaw

    Catching Fire pg 209-232 " I jerk back, startled, while he and Haymitch guffaw."
    laugh in a loud or boisterous way.
  • Threshold

    "Even if it can't, there's always a traditional song we sing as the new couple crosses the threshold of their home"
    a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room
  • martyr

    Catching Fire 167-281
    "They can turn me into some kind of martyr for the cause and paint my face on banners, and it will do more to rally people than anything I could do if I was living." A martyr is somebody who suffers persecution and death for advocating, renouncing, refusing to renounce, or refusing to advocate a belief or cause as demanded by an external party.
  • futile

    Catching Fire 281-315 "I take one futile step in her direction when i hear the cannon blast, know her heart has stopped, that she is dead." incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
  • scrutinizing

    Catching fire 315-353
    "We circle around the Cornucopia, scrutinizing the jungle." examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
  • fervently

    Catching fire 353-391 ¨...but fervently hope i´ll die before i reach the shadowy figures awaiting me above.¨very enthusiastically or passionately
  • corpulent

    the perks of being a wallflower pg 1-27 ¨He also said that I should use the vocabulary words that I learn in class like ¨corpulent¨ and ¨jaundice.¨
  • fraternity

    The Perks of being a Wallflower pg 27 ¨ I don´t mean the big fraternity party kind of movie. a group of people sharing a common profession or interests, mostly men groups.
  • Transcendental

    The perks of being a wallflower pg 27-87 And Kelly just happened to say that the transcendental movement is a close parallel to this day and age. relating to a spiritual or nonphysical realm.
  • bourgeoisie

    The perks of being a wallflower 87-123 I learned a lot about ¨objectification,¨ Native Americans, and the bourgeoisie
  • adroit

    the perks of being a wallflower pg 123-144 ¨... and my mother is not a very ¨adroit¨ liar about things like that.¨ clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
  • ashen

    the perks of being a wallflower pg 144-157 When she saw me approaching the group, her face went "ashen". (of a person's face) very pale with shock, fear, or illness.
  • retribution

    the perks of being a wallflower pg 157-189 ...but the strength of our numbers would prevent any retribution.punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.
  • nostalgia

    the perks of being a wallflower pg 189-213
    And nobodyfelt sad as long as we could postpone tomorrow with more nostalgia. a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
  • connoisseur

    miss peregines home for peculiar children pg 1-40 Ricky was a connoisseur at your-mom jokes. an expert judge in matters of taste(very good at something, specialty)
  • misanthripic

    Miss peregrine's home for peculiar children 40-88 was impossible that anyone could still be living here, even the most misanthropic recluse. disliking humankind and avoiding human society
  • Neolithic

    Miss peregrines home for peculiar children pg 88- 125 ...but it was a cairn- one of those Neolithic tombs after which Cairnholm was named. relating to or denoting the later part of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons and implements prevailed.
  • pantomiming

    Miss peregrines home for peculiar children pg 125-166.She raised a fluttering hand to her brow and staggered back, pantomiming horror. express or represent (something) by extravagant and exaggerated mime.