The first permanent english settlement in America -
House Of Burgesses
The first representative assembly in America. -
Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut
A set of laws thay were established by a puritan congregation who had settled in the Connecticut Valley and that expanded the idea of representative Government. -
French And Indian War
A war in North America that was part of a worldwide sruggle between France and Britain.(1754-1763) -
Decloration of Indepenbence
The Decloration of Independence was published -
American Revolution ended
Treaty Of Paris
The Treaty between the U.S. and Britain that ended the Amarican Revolution, giving the U.S. its independence and land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. -
Constitution written
Constitution Convention
A meeting og Delegates from all of the colonies except Rhode Island, who met in Philidelphia, Pa, to amend the Articles Of Confederation. -
Bill of Rights added
Cotton Gin was invented
A machine that made it faster and more effective to clean cotton than human workers. -
Marbury VS. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
War Of 1812
War between the U.S.A and Britain. -
Treaty of Ghent Signed
Treaty that ended the War Of 1812 -
McCullough VS Maryland
A court case in which ruled that the Congress of the U.S. had the right to establish a National Bank and that the Maryland tax on the bank was Unconstitutional. -
Monroe Doctrine Announcedd
A policy of U.S. opposition to any European interference in the Western Hemispere. -
California Gold Rush
Comprimise of 1850
A series of laws intended to settle the major disagreement between free and slave states. -
Dread Scott VS.Sandford
A court case ruled that no African Amarican could be citizen. -
civil war
War between the Norht and the South to end slavery.