Nace Mesmer
Franz Anton Mesmer is born -
Nace William Blake (médium, pintor)
William Blake (medium, painter) is born -
La Real Comisión francesa concluye que el fluido magnético de Mesmer no existe, las curaciones son por sugestión
The French Royal Commission concludes that Mesmer's magnetic fluid does not exist, the cures are by suggestion -
Nace Allan Kardec
Birth of Allan Kardec -
Nace Alphonse Cahagnet (investigador)
Alphonse Cahagnet (researcher) is born -
Nace Edward William Cox (investigador)
Edward William Cox (researcher) is born -
Nace Catherine Berry (médium)
Catherine Berry (medium) is born -
Muere Mesmer
Franz Anton Mesmer dies -
Poltergeist de la familia Bell
Bell family poltergeist -
Period: to
Clemens Brentano: Recopilación apariciones y visiones de Anna Katharina Emmerich
Clemens Brentano: Compilation of appearances and visions of Anna Katharina Emmerich -
Nace Emma Hardinge Britten (médium)
Emma Hardinge Britten (medium) is born -
Nace Andrew Jackson Davis
Birth of Andrew Jackson Davis -
Muere William Blake (médium, pintor)
William Blake (medium, painter) dies -
Nace Elizabeth J. Compton (médium)
Elizabeth J. Compton (medium) is born -
Nace Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky is born -
Nace Alexander Aksakof (científico)
Alexander Aksakof is born -
Nace William Crookes (científico)
Birth of William Crookes -
Nace D. D. Home (médium)
Daniel Dunglas Home is born -
Nace J. K.F. Zöllner (científico)
Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner is born -
Nace Henry Slade (Médium)
Birth of the medium Henry Slade -
Nace William Stainton Moses, clérico y médium
William Stainton Moses, clergyman and medium, is born -
Nace William Barrett (científico)
William Barrett is born -
Nace Elizabeth Blake (médium)
Elizabeth Blake (medium) is born -
Nace Annie Besant (Teosofía)
Annie Besant (Theosophy) is born -
Sra. Margaret Fox, y sus hijas Maggiey Kate escuchan golpes en la casa (Inicio del Espiritualismo Moderno) en Hydesville
Mrs. Margaret Fox, and her daughters Maggie and Kate hear knocks at the house (Home of Modern Spiritualism) in Hydesville -
Nace Arthur James Balfour, primer conde de Balfour
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, is born -
Nace Charles Richet (científico)
Birth of Charles Richet -
Nace Hippolyte Baraduc (científico)
Hippolyte Baraduc is born -
Poltergeist de Cideville
Cideville Poltergeist -
Nace Oliver Lodge (científico)
Oliver Lodge is born -
Nace Émile Boirac (investigador)
Émile Boirac (researcher) is born -
Nace Gerald William Balfour, segundo conde de Balfour
Gerald William Balfour, 2nd Earl of Balfour, is born -
Nace Eusapia Palladino (médium)
Eusapia Palladino (medium) is born -
Nace Florence Cook (médium)
Florence Cook (medium) is born -
"El libro de los espíritus" de Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec's "The Book of Spirits" is published -
Nace Elizabeth "Lizzie" Snow Bangs (médium)
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Snow Bangs (medium) is born -
Nace Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle is born -
Nace Henri Bergson
Henri Bergson is born -
Nace Richard Boursnell (médium)
Richard Boursnell (medium) is born -
Nace Ernesto Bozzano (científico)
Ernesto Bozzano (scientist) is born -
Nace Albert von Schrenk-Notzing (científico)
Albert von Schrenk-Notzing is born -
Nace Ludwig Aub (Médium) clarividente
Clairvoyant Ludwig Aub (Medium) is born -
Nace Mary "May" E. Bangs (médium)
Mary "May" E. Bangs (medium) is born -
Nace Francesco Carancini (médium)
Francesco Carancini (medium) is born -
Nace Frederick Bligh Bond (investigador)
Frederick Bligh Bond (researcher) is born -
D.D. Home acude a juicio
D.D. Home goes to trial -
Lord Adare, libro: Experiencias de espiritualismo con D. D. Home
Lord Adare, publishes his book Experiences in Spiritualism with D. D. Home -
Muere Allan Kardec
Death of Allan Kardec -
Nace Charles Bailey (médium)
Charles Bailey (medium) is born -
Fantasma en Buchanan
Ghost in Buchanan -
Mary Andrews Medium de materialización
Mary Andrews Medium of Materialization -
1ª aparición de Katie King a través de Florence Cook
Katie King's First Appearance via Florence Cook -
Katie King se despide de Florence Cook y de William Crookes
Katie King says goodbye to Florence Cook and William Crookes -
Nace Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant (médium)
Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant (medium) is born -
La Sociedad Teosófica, Helena Blavatsky
The Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky -
Elizabeth J. Compton desarrolla mediumnidad
Elizabeth J. Compton develops mediumship -
Juicio al Herny Slade
Trial of the medium Henry Slade -
Nace Edgar Cayce (médium)
Edgar Cayce (medium) is born -
Zöllner comienza los experimentos con el médium Henry Slade
Zöllner begins experiments with medium Henry Slade -
Zöllner, libro: Física Trascendental
Zöllner publishes the book Transcendental Physics -
Poltergeist de Esther Cox. Gran Misterio de Amherst.
Great Amherst Mystery. Poltergeist by Esther Cox -
Muere Edward William Cox (investigador)
Edward William Cox (researcher) dies -
Nace W. J. Crawford (científico)
Birth of William Jackson Crawford -
Nace Alice Bailey (Escuela teosófica)
Alice Bailey (Theosophical School) is born -
Nace Hereward Carrington (investigador)
Hereward Carrington (researcher) is born -
American Physical Society (duró 2 años)
American Physical Society founded (lasted 2 years) -
S.P.R. (Sociedad para la Investigación Psíquica)
Creation of the Society for Psychical Research -
Muere J. K. F. Zöllner (científico)
Death of Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner -
Comisión Seybert (Investigación)
Seybert Commission (Research) -
A.S.P.R. (American Society for Psychical Research, bajo la dirección de Hyslop)
Foundation of the American Society for Psychical Research, under the direction of Hyslop -
Monja fantasma Rectoría Borley
Borley Rectory Ghost Nun -
Muere Alphonse Cahagnet (investigador)
Alphonse Cahagnet (researcher) dies -
Nace Marthe Béraud (Eva C)
Marthe Béraud (Eva C) is born -
Period: to
Poltergeist en Bubendorf
Poltergeist in Bubendorf -
Muere D. D. Home (médium)
Daniel Dunglas Home dies -
Poltergeist en Clarendon
Poltergeist in Clarendon -
Nace Carlos Mirabelli (médium)
Birth of Carlos Mirabelli -
Nace Raymond Lodge
Birth of Raymond Lodge -
Aksakof, libro: Animismo y Espiritismo
Aksakof publishes the book Animism and Spiritism -
Nace Ada M. Besinnet (Médium)
Ada M. Besinnet (Medium) is born -
Muere Catherine Berry (médium)
Catherine Berry (medium) dies -
Muere Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky dies -
Nace Walter Whately Carington (investigador)
Walter Whately Carington (researcher) is born -
Muerte William Stainton Moses, clérico y médium
Death William Stainton Moses, clergyman and medium -
Hippolyte Baraduc, libro La Force Vitale
Hippolyte Baraduc, book La Force Vitale -
Nace Nandor Fodor. Destacado psicoanalista e investigador psíquico.e
Nandor Fodor is born. Outstanding psychoanalyst and psychic researcher. -
Muere Emma Hardinge Britten (médium)
Emma Hardinge Britten (medium) dies -
Muere Alexander Aksakof (científico)
Alexander Aksakof dies -
Nace Friedrich Jürgenson (científico)
Friedrich Jürgenson is born -
Baraduc fotografía emociones
Baraduc photographs emotions -
American Institute for Scientific Research (Fundada por James Hervey Hyslop)
American Institute for Scientific Research (Founded by James Hervey Hyslop) -
Caballos calculadores de Elberfeld
Elberfeld's calculating horses -
Muere Florence Cook (médium)
Florence Cook (medium) dies -
Nace Theodore Besterman (Investigador)
Theodore Besterman (Researcher) is born -
Richet ve al fantasma BienBoa
Richet sees the ghost BienBoa -
Muere Henry Slade (médium)
Death of the medium Henry Slade -
El médium francés George Aubert es investigador por el Institut General Psychologique de París
French medium George Aubert is a researcher at the Institut General Psychologique de Paris -
Nace Hans Bender (Parapsicólogo)
Hans Bender (Parapsychologist) is born -
Muere Hippolyte Baraduc (científico)
Hippolyte Baraduc dies -
Muere Andrew Jackson Davis
Andrew Jackson Davis dies -
Richet Premio Nobel
Richet receives the Nobel Prize -
Muere Raymond Lodge
Death of Raymond Lodge -
Libro: Raymond, o la vida y la muerte
The book is published: Raymond or Life and Death -
Nace Rosemary Brown (médium)
Rosemary Brown (medium) is born -
W.J.Crawford, libro: La realidad de los fenómenos psíquicos
W.J. Crawford publishes the book: The Reality of Psychic Phenomena -
Muere Mary "May" E. Bangs (médium)
Mary "May" E. Bangs (medium) dies -
Muere Émile Boirac (investigador)
Émile Boirac (researcher) dies -
Muere Eusapia Palladino (médium)
Eusapia Palladino (medium) dies -
Muere William Crookes (científico)
Death of William Crookes -
British College of Psychic Science (Sr. y Sra. Hewat McKenzie)
British College of Psychic Science (Mr. and Mrs. Hewat McKenzie) -
American Psychical Institute and Laboratory, fundada por Carrington
American Psychical Institute and Laboratory, founded by Carrington -
Else Arnheim médium alemán de aportes
Else Arnheim German apports medium -
Schrenck-Notzing, libro: Los fenómenos de la mediumnidad
Schrenck-Notzing, book: Phenomena of materialization -
Muere Elizabeth Blake (médium)
Elizabeth Blake (medium) dies -
Muere Elizabeth "Lizzie" Snow Bangs (médium)
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Snow Bangs (medium) dies -
Muere W. J. Crawford (científico)
Death of William Jackson Crawford -
Experimentos con Blanche Cooper (médium) y el Dr. Soal sobre comunicación con los muertos
Experiments with Blanche Cooper (medium) and Dr. Soal on communication with the dead -
Richet, libro "Tratado de metapsíquica"
Publication of Richet's book: Thirty Years of Psychical Research -
Alice Bailey Funda la Escuela Arcana
Alice Bailey founds the Arcane School -
Stella C (médium) sesiones con Harry Price
Stella C (medium) sessions with Harry Price -
Muere William Barrett (científico)
William Barrett dies -
Nace Carlos Castaneda (investigador)
Carlos Castaneda (researcher) is born -
William Barrett, libro: Visiones en el momento de la muerte
William Barrett, Book: Deathbed Visions -
Muere Ludwig Aub (Médium) clarividente
Clairvoyant Ludwig Aub (Medium) dies -
Nace Marcello Bacci (Psicofonías)
Marcello Bacci (Psychophonies) is born -
Nace Juan Blance (cirujano psíquico)
Juan Blance (psychic surgeon) is born -
Muere Albert von Schrenk-Notzing (científico)
Albert von Schrenk-Notzing dies -
Muere Arthur James Balfour, primer conde de Balfour
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, dies -
Muere Arthur Conan Doyle
Death of Arthur Conan Doyle -
Nace Fulvio Rendhell (médium)
Fulvio Rendhell (medium) is born -
Muere Annie Besant (Teosofía)
Annie Besant dies (Theosophy -
Muere Charles Richet (científico)
Death of Charles Richet -
Muere Ada M. Besinnet (Médium)
Ada M. Besinnet (Medium) dies -
Nace Keith Milton Rhinehart (médium)
Medium Keith Milton Rhinehart is born -
Muere Tony Agpaoa, era un practicante filipino de cirugía psíquica
Tony Agpaoa dies, he was a Filipino psychic surgery practitioner -
Muere Francesco Carancini (médium)
Francesco Carancini (medium) dies -
Muere Oliver Lodge (científico)
Death of Oliver Lodge -
Muere Henri Bergson
Henri Bergson dies -
Muere Richard Boursnell (médium)
Richard Boursnell (medium) dies -
Muere Ernesto Bozzano (científico)
Ernesto Bozzano (scientist) dies -
Nace Raymond Moody (científico)
Raymond Moody is born -
Muere Edgar Cayce (médium)
Edgar Cayce (medium) dies -
Muere Arthur James Balfour, primer conde de Balfour
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, dies -
Muere Frederick Bligh Bond (investigador)
Frederick Bligh Bond (researcher) dies -
Muere Charles Bailey (médium)
Charles Bailey (medium) dies -
Muere Walter Whately Carington (investigador)
Walter Whately Carington (researcher) dies -
Muere Alice Bailey (Escuela teosófica)
Alice Bailey dies (Theosophical School) -
Muere Carlos Mirabelli (médium)
Death of Carlos Mirabelli -
Muere Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant (médium)
Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant (medium) dies -
Keith Milton Rhinehart llega a Japón y demuestra los fenómenos los científicos
Keith Milton Rhinehart arrives in Japan and demonstrates the phenomena scientists -
Muere Hereward Carrington (investigador)
Hereward Carrington (researcher) dies -
Psicofonías de Friedrich Jürgenson
Friedrich Jürgenson Psychophonies -
Muere Nandor Fodor
Death of Nandor Fodor -
Poltergiest Bremen-Neue Vahr (Alemania)
Poltergeist Bremen-Neue Vahr (Germany) -
La tragedia de Aberfan. Sueños predicen el desastre
The Aberfan tragedy. Dreams predict disaster -
Libro El Exorcista
Book The Exorcist -
Caras de Bélmez aparecen
Faces of Bélmez appear -
Fulvio Rendhell materializa a Katie King
Fulvio Rendhell materializes Katie King -
Raymond Moody, libro: Vida después de la vida
Raymond Moody publishes the book: Life After Life -
Viktor Adamenko publica su tesis relacionada con la bio-energía
Viktor Adamenko publishes his thesis related to bio-energy -
Muere Theodore Besterman (Investigador)
Theodore Besterman (Researcher) dies -
Poltergeist de Enfield. Peggy Hodgson entró en la habitación de sus hijos y vio como un tocador se movía por la habitación.
Peggy Hodgson walked into her children's room and watched a dresser move across the room. Enfield poltergeist home -
Muere Friedrich Jürgenson (científico)
Friedrich Jürgenson dies -
Muere Hans Bender (Parapsicólogo)
Hans Bender (Parapsychologist) dies -
Inicio del Experimento Scole
Beginning of the Scole Experiment -
Muere Carlos Castaneda (investigador)
Carlos Castaneda (researcher) dies -
Final del Experimento Scole
End of the Scole Experiment -
Muere Keith Milton Rhinehart (médium)
Medium Keith Milton Rhinehart dies -
Muere Rosemary Brown (médium)
Rosemary Brown (medium) dies -
Muere Marcello Bacci (Psicofonías)
Marcello Bacci dies (Psychophonies)