CHY4U Timeline

  • May 23, 1453

    Capture of constantinople

    Capture of constantinople
    On May 23, 1453 the armies of Mehmet 2 captured and coqored constantinople
  • 1479

    Bellini paint "Portrait of Mehmet 2"

    Bellini paint "Portrait of Mehmet 2"
    Bellini was a well known and important Renaissance painter who was invited to the court of the ottomans to paint a picture of Mehmet 2.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    The Unification of Spain

    The Unification of Spain
    after years of occupation from the moors, the Iberian peninsula was reunited by Spain.
  • 1495

    Davinci fineshes his painting "The Last Supper"

    Davinci fineshes his painting "The Last Supper"
  • 1504

    Michaelangelo fineshes David

    Michaelangelo fineshes David
    after thrree years of har work michelangelo fineshes his statue david
  • 1510

    Garden of delight

    Garden of delight
    Bosch finishes his painting which he had been working on for a lerge part of his life
  • 1522

    Magellan circumnavigates the globe

    Magellan circumnavigates the globe
    after leaving a few years earlier the sailer Magellan died in the Philippines but his co-captain returned to Spain resulting in the first global circumnavigation.
  • 1524

    Peasent rebellions in German States.

    Peasent rebellions in German States.
    the begining of protostant peasent rebllions in the holy roman empire
  • 1529

    Turks besiege Viena

    Turks besiege Viena
    in 1529 the turks attempted to couqer vienna and although they faield the city was severly damaged.
  • 1536

    Calvins "Istitues of the christian religoin".

    Calvins "Istitues of the christian religoin".
    Institutes of the Christian Religion is John Calvin's theological book and is considered one of the most important protestant works.
  • 1540

    The Jesuits are founded

    The Jesuits are founded
    The Society of Jesus is founded and is engaged with mostly peaceful evangelizing of the native people of foreign lands.
  • 1543

    On the revolutions of the heavenly bodies

    On the revolutions of the heavenly bodies
    Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, was dedicated to Pope Paul III. This document gave the world a new way of looking at Planets and our Solar System
  • 1550

    Discovery of silver in northern mexico

    Discovery of silver in northern mexico
    the discovery of silver in the vein system of the Veta Madre at Guanajuato in mexico start a 500 year long silver industry in the country.
  • 1552

    "A short account of the destrucction of the indies" is written

    "A short account of the destrucction of the indies" is written
    A book about the misstreatment of the natives of the new world is written by Dominican friar Bartolomé de las Casas in 1542 (published in 1552)
  • "De Magnete" is published

    "De Magnete" is published
    De Magnete is a scientific work written by the English scientist William Gilbert and by his partner Aaron Dowling about garavity and magnitism.