May 23, 1453
Capture of constantinople
On May 23, 1453 the armies of Mehmet 2 captured and coqored constantinople -
Bellini paint "Portrait of Mehmet 2"
Bellini was a well known and important Renaissance painter who was invited to the court of the ottomans to paint a picture of Mehmet 2. -
Jan 2, 1492
The Unification of Spain
after years of occupation from the moors, the Iberian peninsula was reunited by Spain. -
Davinci fineshes his painting "The Last Supper"
Michaelangelo fineshes David
after thrree years of har work michelangelo fineshes his statue david -
Garden of delight
Bosch finishes his painting which he had been working on for a lerge part of his life -
Magellan circumnavigates the globe
after leaving a few years earlier the sailer Magellan died in the Philippines but his co-captain returned to Spain resulting in the first global circumnavigation. -
Peasent rebellions in German States.
the begining of protostant peasent rebllions in the holy roman empire -
Turks besiege Viena
in 1529 the turks attempted to couqer vienna and although they faield the city was severly damaged. -
Calvins "Istitues of the christian religoin".
Institutes of the Christian Religion is John Calvin's theological book and is considered one of the most important protestant works. -
The Jesuits are founded
The Society of Jesus is founded and is engaged with mostly peaceful evangelizing of the native people of foreign lands. -
On the revolutions of the heavenly bodies
Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, was dedicated to Pope Paul III. This document gave the world a new way of looking at Planets and our Solar System -
Discovery of silver in northern mexico
the discovery of silver in the vein system of the Veta Madre at Guanajuato in mexico start a 500 year long silver industry in the country. -
"A short account of the destrucction of the indies" is written
A book about the misstreatment of the natives of the new world is written by Dominican friar Bartolomé de las Casas in 1542 (published in 1552) -
"De Magnete" is published
De Magnete is a scientific work written by the English scientist William Gilbert and by his partner Aaron Dowling about garavity and magnitism.