Church History from Jesus Christ to Charlemange

  • 1 CE

    Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ
    Incarnation of God-He was born, died for us; saved us. Teaches about the Kingdom of God. He was crucified and resurrected.
  • 30


    The Holy Spirit came down upon the disciples and apostles and inspired them to go out and preach the Good News
  • 50

    Council of Jerusalem

    Council of Jerusalem
    Christian leaders met to discuss the problems with Gentiles becoming Christian. This council said Gentiles did not have to become Jewish.
  • 54

    Persecutions and Matrydom

    Persecutions and Matrydom
    Christians were killed all over the Empire because of their beliefs in Jesus Christ
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine releases this Edit to allow the freedom of religion in order to stop the persecutions
  • 320


    Lived very simple secluded lives. Showed dedication to Christ.
  • 325

    Council of Nicea

    Council of Nicea
    Established the Nicene Creed and formalized Christian beliefs
  • 432


    Missionaries spread the word of God to the people who worshiped the Pagan gods. Some famous missionaries include: St. Patrick, St. Augustine of Cantubury, and St. Boniface
  • Jan 11, 610

    Islamic Movement

    Islamic Movement
    This religion started in Arabia and made its way to the East and the Western Empires
  • Dec 25, 800

    Crowning of Charlemange

    Crowning of Charlemange
    Pope Leo III crowned Charlemange emperor of the Romans on Christmas Day in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, making him the most powerful ruler of his time