Medieval depiction of the council of nicaea

Church History

By Kawauso
  • 2300 BCE

    Timeline Image

    Timeline Image
  • 2299 BCE


    • 1 Corinth onward
    • Dates of kings, etc. in descriptoions
    • pg. 1240 (NT dates)
    ^^ go back and look for ranges/single dates before prophets
    - "Period of XX"
    - Start dates (esp. for short timespans)
    - Pharohs reigning during Exodus events
    - Add Photos (for single events; Can't on Timespans)
  • 2200 BCE

    What Abbreviations Mean:

    ~ = rough estimate; around this time
    (E.D.) = Earlier Date approximation
    (L.D.) = Later Date approximation
    |~ = know when begins, but not when ends
    ~| = know when ends, but not when begins
  • Period: 2166 BCE to 1991 BCE

    (E.D.) Abraham

  • Period: 2166 BCE to 1030 BCE

    Patriarchs to Judges

  • Period: 2166 BCE to 1446 BCE

    ~Events of Job

    Between Abraham and Exodus
  • 2091 BCE

    (E.D.) Call of Abraham

    (E.D.) Call of Abraham
  • 2066 BCE

    (E.D.) Isaac Born

    (E.D.) Isaac Born
  • Period: 2066 BCE to 1886 BCE

    (E.D.) Isaac

  • Period: 2006 BCE to 1859 BCE

    (E.D.) Jacob/Israel

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1823 BCE

    (L.D.) Abraham

  • 1925 BCE

    (L.D.) Call of Abraham

    (L.D.) Call of Abraham
  • Period: 1915 BCE to 1805 BCE

    (E.D.) Joseph

  • 1876 BCE

    (E.D.) Israel goes to Egypt

    (E.D.) Israel goes to Egypt
  • Period: 1840 BCE to 1693 BCE

    (L.D.) Jacob/Israel

  • Period: 1749 BCE to 1639 BCE

    (L.D.) Joseph

  • 1709 BCE

    (L.D.) Israel goes to Egypt

    (L.D.) Israel goes to Egypt
  • 1539 BCE

    Ahmose I

    Ahmose I
  • Period: 1539 BCE to 1515 BCE

    Ahmose I (Reign)

  • 1526 BCE

    (E.D.) Moses' Birth

    (E.D.) Moses' Birth
  • 1514 BCE

    Amenhotep I

    Amenhotep I
  • 1493 BCE

    Thutmose I

    Thutmose I
  • 1482 BCE

    Thutmose II

    Thutmose II
  • Period: 1482 BCE to 1480 BCE

    Thutmose II (Reign)

  • 1479 BCE

    Thutmose III

    Thutmose III
  • Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Thusmose III (Reign)

  • 1446 BCE

    (E.D.) The Exodus

    (E.D.) The Exodus
  • Period: 1446 BCE to 1406 BCE

    (E.D.) Israel's Desert Wanderings

  • 1425 BCE

    Amenhotep II

    Amenhotep II
  • Period: 1425 BCE to 1400 BCE

    Amenhotep II (Reign)

  • 1408 BCE

    (E.D.) Moses Addresses Israel in Moab (Deuteronomy), then Dies

    (E.D.) Moses Addresses Israel in Moab (Deuteronomy), then Dies
  • 1406 BCE

    (E.D.) Entrance into Canaan (Promised Land)

    (E.D.) Entrance into Canaan (Promised Land)
  • Period: 1406 BCE to 1400 BCE

    (E.D.) Conquest of Canaan

  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1390 BCE

    Thusmose IV's Reign

  • Period: 1390 BCE to 1353 BCE

    Amenhotep III (Reign)

  • Period: 1375 BCE to 1030 BCE

    Period of the Judges

    Early Date: 1375 to 1050 -1030
    Later Date: 1210 to 1050 -1030
  • Period: 1375 BCE to 1040 BCE

    ~Events of Ruth

  • 1353 BCE

    Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten

    Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten
  • Period: 1353 BCE to 1336 BCE

    Amenhotep IV/Akehenaten (Reign)

    The guy that tried to change the Egyptian religion, and make himself the only god, and then everything reverted back after he died, and the later Pharaohs covered up his works
  • 1340 BCE

    (L.D.) Moses' Birth

    (L.D.) Moses' Birth
  • 1336 BCE


  • Period: 1336 BCE to 1334 BCE

    Smenkhkare (Reign)

  • 1333 BCE

    Pharoh Tutankhamun

    Pharoh Tutankhamun
  • Period: 1333 BCE to 1324 BCE

    Tutankhamun's Rule

  • 1323 BCE

    Pharoh Ay

    Pharoh Ay
  • 1319 BCE


  • Period: 1319 BCE to 1292 BCE

    Horemheb's Rule

  • 1292 BCE

    Ramesses I

    Ramesses I
  • Period: 1292 BCE to 1291 BCE

    Rameses I (Rule)

  • 1290 BCE

    Seti I

    Seti I
  • Period: 1290 BCE to 1279 BCE

    Seti I (Rule)

  • 1279 BCE

    Rameses II

    Rameses II
  • Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE

    Rameses II

  • 1260 BCE

    (L.D.) The Exodus

    (L.D.) The Exodus
  • Period: 1260 BCE to 1220 BCE

    (L.D.) Israel's Desert Wanderings

  • 1222 BCE

    (L.D.) Moses Addresses Israel in Moab (Deuteronomy), then Dies

    (L.D.) Moses Addresses Israel in Moab (Deuteronomy), then Dies
  • 1220 BCE

    (L.D.) Entrance into Canaan (Promised Land)

    (L.D.) Entrance into Canaan (Promised Land)
  • Period: 1220 BCE to 1214 BCE

    (L.D.) Conquest of Canaan

  • 1209 BCE

    Deborah, Barak defeat Canaanites

    Deborah, Barak defeat Canaanites
  • 1162 BCE

    Gideon defeats Midianites

    Gideon defeats Midianites
  • 1100 BCE

    Birth of Samuel

    Birth of Samuel
  • Period: 1050 BCE to 931 BCE

    Period of United Monarchy

  • Period: 1030 BCE to 1010 BCE

    Saul's Reign

    starts at 1050-1030; when period of judges ends
  • Period: 1030 BCE to 586 BCE

    ~The Psalms

    Reign of Saul -> Reign of David -> Reign of Solomon -> Fall of Judah/Exile
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 586 BCE

    ~1-2 Chronicles

  • Period: 1010 BCE to 971 BCE

    David's Reign

  • Period: 1010 BCE to 686 BCE


    Reign of David -> Reign of Solomon -> Reign of Hezekiah
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 586 BCE


    Reign of David -> Reign of Solomon -> Fall of Judah Author: "The Preacher"; maybe Solomon, or someone later
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 931 BCE

    ~Song of Solomon

    Reign of David -> Reign of Solomon -> Israel Divided May be written by Solomon, or by someone else in his honor; probably composed during Solomon's lifetime
  • Period: 971 BCE to 586 BCE

    ~1-2 Kings

  • Period: 971 BCE to 931 BCE

    Solomon's Reign

  • 931 BCE

    Kingdom of Israel Divided

    Kingdom of Israel Divided
  • Period: 931 BCE to 586 BCE

    Period of Divided Monarchy to Exile

  • Period: 793 BCE to 781 BCE

    Reign of Jeroboam II Begins

    Peaceful and prosperous reign
  • Period: 793 BCE to 739 BCE

    ~Prophetic Ministry of Amos

    Later in the period more likely
  • Period: 782 BCE to 753 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Jonah

  • 767 BCE

    Reign of Uzziah Begins

    Reign of Uzziah Begins
  • Period: 753 BCE to 722 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Hosea

  • Period: 750 BCE to 735 BCE

    Reign of Jotham

  • 742 BCE

    ~Prophetic Ministry of Micah

    Micah's public activity might have been ~20-35 years.
    Micah prophesized during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, & Hezekiah. Around the same time as Hosea and Isiah (although, Micah might have been later)
  • 740 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Isaiah Begins

    Prophetic Ministry of Isaiah Begins
  • Period: 740 BCE to 732 BCE

    Syro-Ephraimite War

    Pekah (Israel) and Rezin (Syria) pressure Jotham and Ahaz (Judah) to join their opposition to Tiglath-Pileser III (Assyria)
  • Period: 735 BCE to 715 BCE

    Reign of Ahaz

  • Period: 727 BCE to 722 BCE

    Shalmaneser V

  • 722 BCE

    Fall of Samaria (Israel)

    Fall of Samaria (Israel)
    Conquered by Assyria
    Shalmaneser V (727-722), and
    Sargon II (722-705)
  • Period: 722 BCE to 705 BCE

    Sargon II

  • Period: 715 BCE to 686 BCE

    Reign of Hezekiah

  • 701 BCE

    Assyria Attacks Judah

  • 686 BCE

    Reign of Manasseh Begins

  • Period: 664 BCE to 612 BCE

    Nahum Composed

  • 660 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Nahum Begins

  • 640 BCE

    Reign of Josiah Begins

  • Period: 640 BCE to 609 BCE

    ~Zephaniah's Prophetic Ministry

  • Period: 640 BCE to 609 BCE

    ~Habakkuk's Prophetic Ministry

  • 628 BCE

    Josiah's Reforms

  • 627 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Jeremiah Begins

    Prophetic Ministry of Jeremiah Begins
  • 612 BCE

    Ninevah Destroyed

    Marks end of Assyrian Empire Ninevah's repentance in the time of Jonah (~700s) did not last past ~745
  • 605 BCE

    Battle of Carchemish

    Daniel and 3 friends (renamed to Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego) exiled to Babylon
  • 605 BCE

    Prophetic Ministry of Daniel Begins

  • Period: 605 BCE to 536 BCE

    ~Daniel Written

  • 597 BCE

    Jerusalem Attacked

    Nebuchadnezzar II takes exiles to Babylon, including Jehoiachin and Ezekiel
  • 593 BCE

    Ezekiel's First Vision

    Ezekiel's First Vision
  • 586 BCE

    Fall of Jerusalem (Judah)/Temple Destroyed

    Nebuchadnezzar II takes more exiles to Babylon
  • Period: 586 BCE to 516 BCE

    ~Lamentations Written

    Early Date more probably
  • Period: 586 BCE to 553 BCE


  • 573 BCE

    Ezekiel's Second Vision

    Ezekiel's Second Vision
  • 553 BCE

    Babylon's Campaign against Edom

  • 539 BCE

    Fall of Babylon

    Cyrus of Persia (539-530)
  • Period: 539 BCE to 445 BCE

    Return from Exile

  • 538 BCE

    1st Return of Exiles to Jerusalem

    Decree of Cyrus; end of Exile
  • 536 BCE

    Temple Rebuilding Begins

  • Period: 536 BCE to 516 BCE

    Temple Rebuilding

    Darius I (522-486)
  • Period: 520 BCE to 516 BCE

    Zechariah Prophesies

  • Period: 520 BCE to 516 BCE

    Haggai Prophesies

  • 516 BCE

    Temple Rebuilding Completed

    Darius I (522-486)
  • 500 BCE

    ~Prophetic Ministry of Joel Begins?

    Most date Book of Joel to after the exile to Babylon
  • Period: 485 BCE to 464 BCE

    Xerxes I/Ahasuerus

  • 483 BCE

    Ahasuerus holds his banquets

  • 478 BCE

    Esther in Palace of Xerxes

    Esther in Palace of Xerxes
    Xerxes I/Ahasuerus (485-464)
  • Period: 478 BCE to 473 BCE

    Events of Esther (in Persia)

  • 460 BCE

    ~Prophetic Ministry of Malachai

    Likely lived at the same time as Ezra and Nehemiah
  • 458 BCE

    2nd Return of Exiles to Jerusalem (under Ezra)

    Artaxerxes I (464-423)
  • 445 BCE

    3rd Return of Exiles to Jerusalem (under Nehemiah)

  • 445 BCE

    Walls Rebuilt in Jerusalem

  • Period: 430 BCE to 50

    400 Years of Silence

    400+ between the prophecies of Malachi (430-420 BC) and Matthew’s written account of Jesus’ life (50-60 AD)
  • Period: 334 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great (Reign)

  • 33 BCE

    -34 A.D. Pentacost

    -34 A.D.   Pentacost
  • 5 BCE

    ~Birth of Jesus

  • Period: 28 to 33

    Jesus' Ministry, Death, & Resurrection

  • 33

    Jesus Ascends

  • 33

    -34 A.D. Paul's Conversion

    -34 A.D.   Paul's Conversion
  • Period: 33 to 34


  • Period: 33 to 34

    Conversion of Paul

  • Period: 46 to 57

    Paul's Ministery Journeys

  • Period: 50 to 95

    Gospels Written
    Matthew: 50-65 A.D.
    Mark: 55-65 A.D.
    Luke: 58-65 A.D.
    John: 70-95 A.D.
  • Period: 50 to 65

    Paul's Letters

    1 Thes., Gal., Phil., 1 & 2 Cor., Phil., Rom.
  • Period: 50 to 65

    Matthew Written

  • Period: 53 to 65

    Mark Written

  • Period: 54 to 68

    Nero's Reign (of Terror)

    *Rumored he set the fire to Rome in 64; he blamed it on Christians (as an act of defiance against Rome)
    *Christians were not well-though of (Christ was a "criminal"; they were "cannibals" b/c of Communion); they were also few in number, most Romans didn't know any
    *Christians covered in animal skins and given to wild dogs to be eaten alive
    *Covered in pitch and burned alive on poles as "lanterns" for Nero's party
    *Sent to the colosseum
    *Many Roman citizens even felt sympathy for the Christians
  • 57

    Romans Written (by Paul in Corinth)

    Paul in Corinth, likely on his 3rd missionary journey
  • Period: 58 to 65

    Luke Written

  • 62

    Acts ("Luke 2") Written

    Paul under house arrest, when Acts ends; Acts does not record Paul's defense, release, and further preaching
  • 64

    Fire of Rome/Nero begins Persecuting Christians

    Fire of Rome/Nero begins Persecuting Christians
    *Rumored he set the fire to Rome in 64; he blamed it on Christians (as an act of defiance against Rome)
    *Christians were not well-though of (Christ was a "criminal"; they were "cannibals" b/c of Communion); they were also few in number, most Romans didn't know any
    *Christians covered in animal skins and given to wild dogs to be eaten alive
    *Covered in pitch and burned alive on poles as "lanterns" for Nero's party
    *Sent to the colosseum
    *Many Roman citizens even felt sympathy for the Christians
  • 64

    Peter and Paul Martyred

    Peter and Paul Martyred
    Peter of Capernaum and Paul of Tarsus Martyred in Rome under Nero According to tradition:
    *Paul beheaded (he was almost certainly beheaded (a more humane death) because he was a Roman Citizen) *Peter crucified upside-down (as requested, since he was not worthy to die in the same manner as Christ)
  • Period: 64 to 67

    Peter and Paul Martyred in Rome under Nero

    According to tradition:
    *Paul beheaded (he was almost certainly beheaded (a more humane death) because he was a Roman Citizen) *Peter crucified upside-down (as requested, since he was not worthy to die in the same manner as Christ)
  • Period: 65 to 95

    John Written

  • Period: 70 to 147

    Age of Apostolic Fathers

    Church leaders who knew the Apostles/12 Disciples
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity
  • 324

    Council of Nicaea

    Council of Nicaea
    * Defeated the Arian Heresy (that Jesus is a created being)
    * Nicene Creed written
  • 372

    Christianity Official Religion of Rome

    by Emperor Theodosis
  • 381

    Council of Constantinople

  • 431

    Council of Ephesus

    Combat the Heresy of Nestorianism
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    EO Church split off (council determined Jesus has two natures one human and one divine, not one united nature that is both human and divine)
  • 610

    Muhammad Receives Visitation

  • Period: 622 to 656

    Early Muslim Conquests

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    East and West split over "Filioque"
  • Period: 1095 to 1270


  • Period: 1345 to 1351

    Black Death

  • 1382

    John Wycliffe's English Bible

  • 1415

    Jan Hus Executed

    Jan Hus tries to reform the corrupt church; gets executed and Moravian denomination gets created
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Thesis

  • 1525

    Wiliam Tyndale's English Bible

  • KJV