church dates

By hwaugh
  • date 1

    1817 Fr Jeremiah Flynn arrives to minister to convict Catholics but he does not have the official sanction of the church or state. The following year after ignoring Governor Macquarie's instructions not to carry out any of the functions of a priest, he is arrested and deported despite protests from the colony'sCatholics and several Protestant leaders
  • date 2

    1825 Fr Therry is misquoted in the Sydney Gazette triggering a furore among the Anglican Establishment. An outraged Governor Macquarie, now Earl of Bathurst removes Therry from his role as the colony's official chaplain.
  • date 3

    1829 Penal laws preventing Catholics holding Government positions ends
  • date 4

    Fr Power dies
  • date 5

    Fire destroys St Mary's Cathedral. Although much of the building was strong and made of stone, the flames burnt the building to the ground. fundraising efforts for a new cathedral started to fund a new architect, the architect responsible for St John's College at the University of Sydney and St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne.
  • date 6

    1869 The temporary structure that serves as St Mary's Cathedral burns down but construction on the permanent St Mary's is now underway
  • date 7

    1909 Death of Mother Mary MacKillop
  • date 8

    1914 World War I declared. Catholics become influential in the Australian Labor Party with the rise of figures such as Ben Chiffley and James Scullin. St Patrick's College seminary at Manly celebrates its Silver Jubilee. An Act of Parliament permits the subdivision of 21 acres of land above Shelly Beach and Fairy Bower to help meet the cost of the college's upkeep
  • date 9

    1932 Rules of St Patrick's published This meeting formed the St. Patrick's Society "for the encouragement of national feeling, for the relief of the destitute, the promotion of education, whatever may be considered by the members best calculated to promote the happiness, honour and prosperity of their native and adopted land"
  • date 10

    1950 Foundation of the Catholic Immigration Office to welcome and assist new immigrants