Chronology of WWII

  • 1917

    Russia Revolution (Communism) Lenion
  • 1920

    Mussolini comes into power (fascist) Italy
  • 1930

    Japan invades China for resources (Militarism)
  • 1935

    Franco Francisco Spain (Fascism) Germany and Italy helped Spain
  • 1935

    Mussolini invades Africa
  • 1936

    Direct by violation of Treaty of Vercellies (militarism)
  • 1938

    Invaded Czechoslovakia Frace (takes over)
  • 1938

    Broke all Jewish stores (new PM church hill)
  • 1938

    Anschluss Germany invades Austria
  • 1939

    Aggression Pact
  • May 1940

    German Blitzkrieg in the Netherlands and France.
  • June 1940

    British evacuate Dunkirk after German advance in France cuts off Allies.
  • June 1940

    Germans reach Paris and the French surrender.
  • August-September 1940

    The Battle of Britain, where Nazi attempts to invade Britain are healed.
  • September 1940

    Hitler launches the Blitz, the aerial bombing of British cities.
  • 1941

    USA in the WWII Pearl Harbor (Japan threw bomb in Hawaii)
  • June 1941

    Germans invade Soviet Union.
  • December 1941

    Japan attacks USA, and US declares war.
  • July 1943

    Soviet victory halts German advance east.
  • July 1944

    World´s largest ever amphibious operation begins the Allied reconquest of Europe.
  • April 1945

    Hitler commits suicide as Soviets reach Berlin.
  • May 1945

    Germans unconditionally surrender. USA threw 2 bombs in Japan
  • August 1945

    USA drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
  • September 1945

    Japan surrenders, World War II ends.
  • 1945

    Victory in Europe Hitler killed himself
  • 1945

    Victory in Japan