Invention of Dimes Novels by Irwin Beadle
Begining of Abraham Lincoln's incorporation of the West policy
End of the Civil War
Washita massacre
End of the first transcontinental train line at Promontory Point
Opening of the first national park at Yellowstone
Cochise signs a peace treaty with the American Govenrment
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George Custer leads an expedition in indian territory in the Black Hills
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The battle of Little Bighorn is the biggest american defeat against the indians
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Cheyenne indians exodus from Oklohoma to Dakota
Creation of the Carlisle School for Indians
Adoption of the Chinese Exclusion Act
Willima Cody creates Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Adoption of the Dawes Severalty Act
Founding of the Boone and Crocket Club by Thoedore Roosevelt
Census determines that the American frontier has disappeared and the whole country is colonized
Wounded Knee massacre
Foundation of the Sierra Club by John Muir
Frederick Jackson Turner gives a conference on "the Significance of the Frontier in American History"
The Johnson County War ends
Invention of the cinematograph
Theodore Roosevelt becomes president of the United States
Owen wister publishes The Virginian
The Great Train Robbery by Edwin S. Porter is the first western and narrative film
In Old California by D. W. Griffith is the first silent movie filmed in Hollywood
D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation is the first historical film
Decision of the United States Supreme court in the case Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Commission of Ohio
The Covered Wagon by James Cruze is the first epic western
Native-Americans are entitled to citizenship
The Vanishing american by George Seitz is the firs movie filmed at Monument Valley
The Jazz Singer by Alan Crosland is the first talking film
Begining of the writing of the Hays Code or Motion Picture Production Code
Cimarron by Wesley Ruggles obtains the Academy Award (oscar) for best picture
John Ford's Stagecoach revives the western genre as well as John Wayne's career after a decade of B movies
Declaration by Waldorf and creation of the Hollywood Blacklist
production of 95 westerns by the major movie studios
Supreme Court decision in the case United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Red River by Howard hawkes rekindles the western genre after WWII
54 westerns are produced by the major film studios
How the West Was Won by Henry Hathaway, John Ford and George Marshall is the last epic western
Monument Valley beacome a park in the Navajo Reservation
The projection of Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy in the United States changes the western genre
The Wild bunch by Sam Peckinpah brings on a truning point in the representation of violence on the big screen
20 westerns are produed by the major film studios
Release of three pro-indians movies : Little Big Man, Soldier Blue, A man Called Horse
Release of the "Crying Indian" publicity campaign against pollution
Washout of Heaven's Gate by Micheal Cimino which marks the end of the New Hollywood : only 6 westerns are produced by the major film sutdios
Dances With Wolves is nominated for 12 Academy Awards