Chronological events in Benjamin Franklin's life

  • Born in Boston, MA

    Born in Boston, MA
  • Attended Boston Latin School for one year

  • Apprenticeship as a printer

    Apprenticeship as a printer
    He was only 12 when he started working with his brother James in his printing shop
  • The New England Courant

    The New England Courant
    James Franklin published the first American newspaper
  • Silence Dogood

    Franklin published anonymously letters delivered to the Courant
  • James Franklin's imprisonment

    Benjamin left Boston, looking for a new job in New York.
    He went to Philadelphia where he met his future wife Deborah Read.
    He worked as a printer with Samuel Keimer
  • Benjamin returned to Boston and traveled to London

  • Junto Club

    Junto Club
    In Philadelphia, Franklin founded the Junto Club.
    The Junto Club lasted until 1765
  • Pennsylvania Gazette

    The newspaper became one of the most prominent publications in Colonial America
  • Poor Richard's Almanack

    Poor Richard's Almanack
    First edition published.
  • Mason of Pennsylvania

    Elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mason of Pennsylvania
  • Postmaster of Philadelphia

  • Kite Experiments

    Kite Experiments
    Conducted kite experiments by flying a kite in a thunderstorm proving that lightning is electrical. He published the experiment in the Pennsylvania Gazette
  • "Join or Die"

    "Join or Die"
    Franklin printed his famous cartoon "Join or Die" to make a point about their own defense and colonial unity with the British against the French and Indians
  • Honorary Degree of Doctor of Law

    Award given from Oxford University.
    He invented the glass armonica, Mozart and Beethoven composed for it
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Franklin was appointed as part of the committee of five who drafted the Declaration of Independence
  • Treaty of Alliance with France

    France declared war on Great Britain
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin signed the Treaty of Paris which put an end to the war between the colonies and Great Britain
  • Bifocal Glasses Invention

    Election as President of the Pennsylvania Executive Council
  • United States Constitution

    United States Constitution
    The Constitutional Convention it is considered one of the most significant events in the history of the United States
  • The Abolition of Slavery

    Benjamin was elected president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
  • Death in Philadelphia

    Franklin died at the age of 84. He is buried in Christ Church burial ground in Philadelphia.
    He died of pleurisy.