Forrest gump


  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    The day my mother gave birth to me.
  • First day of elementary school

    First day of elementary school
    Was a sad and happy day. Made new friends. Didn't want to go at first.
  • I broke my arm in second grade

    I broke my arm in second grade
    My friend and I were trying to climb to the top of a tree. I fell trying to get down.
  • I hit my first home run in fifth grade

    I hit my first home run in fifth grade
    It was inside the park. All my friends got really hyped. We won
  • Broke my pinky

    Broke my pinky
    I tried to catch a baseball with my bare hand. It hurt. Didn't think it was broken at first
  • Met my best friend in sixth grade

    Met my best friend in sixth grade
    Tyler Richey was my best friend all through middle school. Still is. Gets me into a lot of trouble in geometry.
  • I broke my leg in sixth grade

    I broke my leg in sixth grade
    Fell out of another tree. It really hurt.
  • My grandpa died

    My grandpa died 2 years ago. He was the funniest person I knew.
  • Got all A's and perfect attendance in seventh grade

    Got all A's and perfect attendance in seventh grade
    It wasn't that hard. Just did my homework. My mom makes me go to school every day
  • Got all D's in eighth grade

    Got all D's in eighth grade
    Decided not to work very hard. Didn't do homework.