Chronicles of Death Foretold

  • Period: to

    Ibrahim and Guzman have affair

    The affair between Ibrahim and Guzman went on for three years. "She'd made love to him in secret for several years in the stables of the ranch, and he brought her to be a house servant when the affection was over." (Marquez, 9-10)
  • Death of Santiago Nasar's fathers death

    They talk about Ibrahim Nasar's death on page 7. "He was the inly child of a marriage of convenience without a single moment of happiness, but he seemed happy with his father until the latter died suddenly, three years before, and he continued seeming to be so with his solitary mother until the Monday of his death." (Marquez)
  • Bayardo comes to Sucre

    "Bayardo San Roman, the man who had given back his bride, had turned up for the first time in August of the year before: six months before the wedding." (Marquez, 25).
  • Santiago Nasar's Birthday

    Santiago had turned 21 the last week of January
  • Angela Vicario's wedding

    Night before Santiago Nasar's death
  • Death of Santiago Nasar

    His death occurred on a Monday. He was murdered by twins named Pedro and Pablo Vicario. So many details about his murder are mixed up, people no things but are not willing to share the full story. There was warning note slipped under his door explaining the place, motive, and other details of the murder.
  • Angela tells her family Santiago Nasar took her virginity

    Early Monday Morning Angela tells her mother/brothers who took her virginity. When they found out that it was Santiago Nasar, they immediately went out to kill him.
  • Bayardo return Angela to her home

    Early Morning Monday Bayardo returns Angela to her home after finding out that she wasn't a virgin. "...Angela Vicario, the beautiful girl who'd gotten married the day before, had been returned to the house of her parents, because her husband had discovered that she wasn't a virgin." (Marquez, 21).
  • Vicario twins go to the Meat Market

    Monday Morning The twins go to the meat market to sharpen their knives. There they see Faustino Santos, the butcher. They were observed as drunk for they had forgotten the time and date. "We are going to kill Santiago Nasar," he said. Their reputation as good people was so well-founded that no one paid any attention to them." (Marquez, 52).
  • Santiago arrives home

    At this point, Santiago arrives home and sleeps for a few hours. At some point in time, someone slips a warning not e under his door.
  • Vicario Twins went to Clotide Armenta's Milk Shop

    Monday Morning "The Vicario brothers came in a four-ten. At that time only things to eat were sold, but Clotide Armenta sold them a bottle of cane liquor, not only because of high regard she had for them but also because she was very grateful for the piece of wedding cake they had sent her." (Marquez, 53-54).
    Eventually, they told her that they were looking for Santiago Nasar because they were going to kill him.
  • Colonel takes away the twin's knives

    Colonel Lazaro Aponte is told about the motives of the twins by the police officer. He was in no rush to settle the fight but he related the fact that Angela had been returned after the wedding to the upcoming murder so he went to the milksop. There he took away their knives.
  • Santiago Nasar's Murder

    The Vicario twin stabbed Santiago to death, practically gutting him. It was a brutal death, they had kept stabbing him even after he was dead.
  • Autopsy on Santiago Nasar's body

    Father Carmen Amador performs the autopsy since Doctor Dionisio Iguaran is absent. "Seven of the wounds were fatal. The liver was almost sliced into pieces by two deep cuts on the anterior side... He had six other, lesser perforations in the transverse colon and multiple wounds in the small intestine." (Marquez, 75).
  • Period: to

    Twins are in Jail

    Twins spend 3 years in jail and are then released. Chapter three, page 49.
  • Vicario family leaves town

  • Angela Vicario send letters to Bayardo

    "On Friday she gave it to the postmistress who came Friday afternoons to embroider with her and pick up the letters, and she was once convinced that the final alleviation would be the end of her agony." (Marquez, 94)
  • Pablo Vicario and Prudencia Cotes get married

    After waiting for 3 years, Pablo Vicario and Prudencia Cotes get married for life.
    ch. 3
  • Bayrdo comes back to Angela

    "Bayardo San Roman took a step forward, unconcerned about the other astonished embroiderers, and laid his saddlebags on the sewing machine. "Well," he said, "here I am." (Marquez, 95)
  • Narrator's pov