
Christmas celebrations in the U.K

  • Open the Advent calendar

    Open the Advent calendar
    Everyday they get a treat (like a chocolate) to make the count down to Christmas
  • The Christmas cards

    The Christmas cards
    They make with colour paper, stickers and glitter their Christmas cards. They write Christmas messages in them and they send them to their family and friends.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree.

    Decorate the Christmas tree.
    They put the tree together and they decorate it.To have a nice tree it needs gold and silver tinsel, lots of ornaments and colourful lights. They never put the tree before is 12 days for Christmas.
  • Make the mince pies

    Make the mince pies
    The mince pies are small sweet pastries filled with a bitter sweet paste called mincemeat, This mince contains no meat. Mincemeat is essentially an ancient mixture of dried fruits, ground almonds and spices, sugar and fat, almost certainly brought back to England from the Middle East by Crusaders.
    Santa loves to find a mince pie and a glass of milk, and don't forget a carrot for Rudolph!
  • Hang the stockings

    Hang the stockings
    In the morning of the 24th we hang our stockings from the fire place. they are ready for Santa Claus to fill them in with presents.
    We also place the presents we bought for each other under the tree...Santa will fill our stockings and leave some toys at night.
  • Finally is Christmas day!

    Finally is Christmas day!
    They wake up really early in the morning, and the stocking is filled up with toys. The whole family gets up and we have a special breakfast. Straight away after breakfast, the Christmas cooking starts.
  • Christmas dinner

    Christmas dinner
    At 3 or 4 pm they have their dinner. The table is set with a cracker in front of every guest. They open them and then, they wear their paper hats during the meal.
    Their meal has different courses. The main ones are the roast turkey with vegetables and gravy, and the Christmas pudding.