
Christmas Carol

  • Visted by Ghost of Christmas Past.

    Visted by Ghost of Christmas Past.
    Scrooge is visted by the Ghost of christmas past and soon sees what he was like as a child. , ""I am the Ghost of Christmas Past" "Long past?" inquired Scrooge:observant of its dwarfish stature. "No your past."" (Dickens29). ID Looks
  • Scrooge visits his old school

    Scrooge visits his old school
    The Ghost of Christmas Past takes him to his old school too see that scrooge was nice when he was there and how his sister came to get him to take him home. ""I Have come to bring you home, dear brother!" (Dickens33). ID Action
  • Scrooge walks down street

    Scrooge walks down street
    Scrooge is going to his home and walks down the street too see people avoiding him. "Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, ""My dear Scrooge, how are you?" (Dickens)12 ID Effects
  • Visited by Marley

    Visited by Marley
    The ghost of Marley his best friend comes to him to tell him to change or he would die in chanes like Marley. ""You will be haunted,"" resumed the Ghost, "by Three Spirits." (Dickens25). ID Speech
  • Scrooge is visited by the second spirit.

    Scrooge is visited by the second spirit.
    Scrooge is visted by the second spirit also known as the Ghost of present. "I am the Ghost of Christmas Present," said the spirit. "Look upon me!" (Dickens45). ID speach
  • Scrooge is shown the truth

    Scrooge is shown the truth
    The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge the life of some people Scrooge knows.""No, no," said Scrooge. "Oh, no, kind Spirit! say he will be spared." (Dickens72). ID Effects
  • Scrooge is shown the present

    Scrooge is shown the present
    The Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge and shows him what some of scrooge employees and relatives think about him.. Scrooge's Niece talks about scrooge at his party in a bad way. "I have no patience with him," observed Scrooges niece." (Dickens56). ID Speach
  • Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future

    Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future
    The Dark covered silent Ghost of Christmas Future comes to scrooge to finally show him what will happen if he does not change.. "It was shrouded in a deep black garment, wich concealed its head," (Dickens61). ID Looks
  • Scrooge's Spirit changes

    Scrooge's Spirit changes
    Scrooge finally after the 3 spirits he returned to his bed and his heart is changed, dancing on the streets and even giving Bob Crachit a raise. "His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him." Pg 80 Direct
  • The Ghost of Christmas Future shows scrooge his future

    The Ghost of Christmas Future shows scrooge his future
    The Ghost of Christmas Future takes Scrooge all over town showing him what the future beholds. Also shows Scrooge what happens with scrooge at the end with revealing his grave. "The spirt stood among the graves, and pointed down to One." (Dickens72). ID Action