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Jesus' Life-Christianity

  • 30 BCE

    The Last Supper (Thursday) (1)

    The Last Supper (Thursday) (1)
    Jesus had fled from Galilee to Jerusalem, as the Romans were against his teachings and miracles. Jesus also knew that one of his apostles (Judas), will end up betraying him. During the Last Supper, Jesus and the twelve apostles shared bread and wine. Jesus explained that he would soon be leaving the apostles as he must fulfill God's plan. (Jesus dying on the cross to save everyone's sins.)
  • 30 BCE

    The Death and Crucifixion of Jesus (Friday) (2)

    The Death and Crucifixion of Jesus (Friday) (2)
    After Judas had sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver to the Romans, Jesus had been taken, beaten, nailed and left dead on the cross under the orders of Pontius Pilate. More of the death and crucifixion along with the arrest and trial of Jesus, can be found in John 18.
  • 30 BCE

    The Resurrection of Jesus (Sunday) (3)

    The Resurrection of Jesus (Sunday) (3)
    On Friday, the dead body of Jesus had been taken to the tomb for burial. On Easter Sunday, a group of women apostles had went to the tomb to embalm Jesus. To their surprise, Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb. Fast-forwarding, Jesus had appeared to Mary Magdalene and the rest of the apostles and news spread that Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus later on ascended into heaven to be with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
  • 28 BCE

    Jesus and The Twelve Apostles

    Jesus and The Twelve Apostles
    Apostles Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Jude, Judas and Simon had assisted Jesus in his work. Jesus always taught the apostles about healing, sharing the good news, praying and more. Jesus also had to share his experiences in order for the apostles to believe and understand that he was the Messiah.
  • 26 BCE

    The Baptism of Jesus (1)

    The Baptism of Jesus (1)
    Fast-forwarding to when Jesus was 30 years old, Jesus had been baptized at the River of Jordan by his cousin John the Baptist. After Jesus' baptism, the Holy Spirit descended onto Jesus in the earthly form of a white dove.
  • 26 BCE

    Jesus' First Miracles (2)

    Jesus' First Miracles (2)
    The first miracle (recorded by the Bible) that Jesus had done, was at the Marriage in Cana. The story is in John 2:1-12
  • 7 BCE

    Jesus visits the Temple

    Jesus visits the Temple
    At the age of 12, Jesus had visited Jerusalem where Mary, Joseph and Jesus attended the Festival of the Passover. After the festival had ended, Mary and Joseph left thinking that Jesus followed them. But, Jesus stayed and visited the temple where elders, rabbis and teachers were amazed by Jesus' wisdom at such a young age. After three days of Mary and Joseph searching, they returned back to Jerusalem where they found Jesus seated in the temple.
  • 6 BCE

    Annunciation of Our Lady

    Annunciation of Our Lady
    Before the birth of Jesus, angel Gabriel visited Mary to inform her that she will soon conceive and deliver God's son.
  • 6 BCE

    Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    The birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem, in which Mary followed by Joseph (Jesus' earthly father) had delivered Jesus in a manger.