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    Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    Jesus of Nazareth is born, believed by some to be the messiah.
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    Jesus the preacher

    for the next 3 years, Jesus traveled with his disciples, he preached much differently than Jewish laws this is the true beginning of christianity
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    John the baptist - Beheaded

    John the baptist is beheaded due to the wife of Herod Antipas, this caused many of Jesus's followers to be upset especially the ones who were baptized by him.
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    crucifixion of Jesus

    crucifixion of Jesus
    Jesus was crucified, Jesus was betrayed by one of his own and was crucified by the roman government his followers his followers believed he would arise from the grave 3 days later
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    Paul begins preaching

    Paul begins preaching
    Paul another of Jesus's disciples begins his first trip to spread christianity
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    Emporer Constantine

    Emporer Constantine
    Emperor Constantine is dying but before he does he decides to get baptized a massive alternative