May 05, 2005: My Birthday Year
- The future Media Prodigy was born. As the part of multimedia ministry in our church at this moment. I would like to tell the journey of my growth.
2007-2009: 2-4 Years Old
- I remember that I am used to write random lines and messages with papers and crayons to communicate and express my feelings.
- And I like to watch cartoon movies in our T.V and sometimes with DVD player and CDs.
2010-2012: 5-7 Years Old
- This year I first play Video Game Boy and my favourite is super mario, and our TV improve to flat screen.
- Sometimes, I use my mother's Keypad Phone to play games likes snakes, soduku and more.
- I also always play in Computer Shop with complete computer set up.
- Also listening to AM and FM radio before to sleep.
2013-2015: 8-10 Years Old
- During these years, My parents bought me a tablet with lots of games application.
- Wearing led/smart watch
- And I used earphones and headphones all the time!
- Mp3 Player is the best source of music before.
2017-2018: 11-13 Years Old
- The first smart phone that I got is when I'm 11 years old, to have communications to my parents and to play games.
- Facebooks and other social media platforms are all useful to me.
- This time, I more likely to have interest in news papers, magazine and books than before.
2019 - 2022: 14-16 Years Old
-The covid 19 pandemic, impacted each every Filipino specially in our country.
- Laptops and speakers with wires and Bluetooth are placed.
- Apps that needed in Online Classes like zoom meet, google classrom and more.
- books and learning materials -
2023: 18 Years Old (present)
- exposed in mobile apps and smart phones and laptop.
- tv projecter and mic.
- Right now in the present, lots of medias are growing out there. We as a citizen, move to the flow of the society and not be drown by old school takes.