When I was born
I was born on September 23rd 1999. I was born in White Plains hospital at about 6:15 in the morning. My brother was born 3 minutes before I was. We both were born healthy and happy. -
When I lost my first tooth
I lost my first tooth. I was about three years old. I lost my right front tooth. I was very excited because the tooth fairy was finally going to come and take my tooth and give me some money. -
When I got my first quad.
I recieved my first quad when I was about 5 or so years old. The quad was a Kazuma Falcon 90 and was blue. It only went about 19 mph but it was still awesome. -
When I played my first sport.
The first sport I ever played was baseball. I believe I started in 2nd grade. I was not very good at it but the game was still fun to play. -
When I went on a boar hunt
I went in my first boar hunt with my father and brother in Vermont. We stayed ina cabin for a couple days and went out everyday hunting. We all got our own boars and I believe the one that I had killed was the biggest of them all. It was very fun. -
When I got my first job
When I got my first job I believe I was 15 years old. My first job which is still my current job is at Kobackers Market on Main St. I work in the kitchen and make wicked awesome meals. -
When i got my first pig
Our family bought a pig 2 years ago. It was about 75 pounds black and adorable. The pig now, 2 years later ways about 300 pounds and now has tusks it is wicked awesome. Although he was suppose to only be a potbelly and 150 at the most he turned out to be a boar. We got ripped off but its dank -
When I got my first car.
I bought my first car during the summer of 2015. I bought a 1974 Pontiac Grand Prix for $2500 with 84,000 miles on it. It had a little rust and that was that was wrong with it. I am still currently working on restoring the car so it can eventually look like new again. I hope to keep this car for a long time because of all the time and money that I have put into this car. -
When I got my drivers license
I got my drivers license spring of 2016. The durartion of the test was only about 7 minutes and was not even close to as hard as I had imagined. However, before and during the test I was so nervous that I didn't even want to take the test. -
Unadilla, New York Dirtbike race
On the 11th of September I went up to Unadilla to to race GNCC with 950 other riders. Unfortuantely it poured the night before the race making the track extremely muddy and hard to ride. Event though the race was extremely hard, I still had fun because I got to ride my 1984 CR500 which I was restoring for a couple months so I could race this race. This picture is an action shot from the race of me that I found online.