Christian church (33-451 AD)

  • 33

    Death and resurrection of Jesus

    Death and resurrection of Jesus
    Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem under Pontius Pilate. He rose from the dead three days later.
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    St. Peter

    St. Peter
    Recognized as the leader of the apostles after Jesus’ resurrection.
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    Fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles (enabling apostles to speak different languages and spread Christianity)
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    St. Paul

    St. Paul
    Missionary journeys across the Roman Empire, spreading Christianity to gentiles
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    Council of Jerusalem

    Council of Jerusalem
    Meeting of early Christian leaders, including Peter, Paul, and James to decide whether Gentile converts needed to follow Jewish laws, like circumcision.
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    St. Peter

    St. Peter
    Played a key role in the Council of Jerusalem
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    Emperor Nero

    Emperor Nero
    Became Roman Emperor
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    St. Peter

    St. Peter
    Believed to have been martyred in Rome under Emperor Nero
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    St. Paul

    St. Paul
    Believed to have been martyred in Rome under emperor Nero
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    Emperor Nero

    Emperor Nero
    Great fire of Rome (blamed the Christian’s initiating persecution).
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    Emperor Nero

    Emperor Nero
    Committed suicide after becoming public enemy.
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    Persecution of Christians under Emperor Nero

    Persecution of Christians under Emperor Nero
    After the Great Fire, Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the disaster which led to widespread persecution. Christians were tortured, crucified, and burned alive.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Victory at the battle of Milvian Bridge; attributed to a vision of the Christian cross
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christianity in the Roman Empire
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine legalizes Christianity after his conversion and ends the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Convened first Council of Nicaea to address Arianism
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    First Council of Nicaea (Nicene Creed)

    First Council of Nicaea (Nicene Creed)
    Convened by Constantine, addresses the Arian controversy (whether Jesus was divine or created). Produced Nicene Creed, affirming Jesus’ divinity and equality with God the Father.
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    First Council of Constantinople

    First Council of Constantinople
    This council reaffirmed the Nicene Creed and clarified the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and condemned Arianism and other heresies.
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    St. Augustine

    St. Augustine
    Converted to Christianity
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    St. Augustine

    St. Augustine
    Became Bishop of Hippo
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    St. Augustine

    St. Augustine
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    Council of Chalcedon
    Addressed the Nature of Christ, Hypostatic Union. Condemned Monophysitism that believed Christ had only one nature.