Chris Pinckney Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Civil War
  • Abe Lincoln speaks at Cooper Union

    Abe Lincoln speaks at Cooper Union
    Lincoln delivered his famous speech at Cooper Union, explaining his position on slavery and wowing New Yorkers who were not so familiar with the Republican candidate from the Midwest.
  • Pre-emption bill is passed

    Pre-emption bill is passed
    This gave squatters the right to buy westward land at a very cheap price.
  • The Pony Express Begins

    The Pony Express Begins
    Mail between Sacramento, California and St. Joseph's, Missouri is carried over the Oregon Trail by a series of riders on horseback. Service no longer needed when the transcontinental telegraph is invented.
  • Democrats divided

    Democrats divided
    The democratic convention in Charleston SC divided over slavery
  • Stonewall Jackson commands Harpers Ferry

    Stonewall Jackson commands Harpers Ferry
    Thomas Jonathan Jackson is assigned to command Harpers Ferry, the target of an assault by an armed group of abolitionists
  • Abraham Lincoln selected as Republican candidate

    Abraham Lincoln selected as Republican candidate
    The republican convention selects Abraham Lincoln as candidate
  • Abraham Lincoln selected as Republican Candidate

    Abraham Lincoln selected as Republican Candidate
    The republican convention selects Abraham Lincoln as candidate
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina secedes from the Union. Paves the road for other states to follow.
  • Anderson Moves to Fort Sumter

    Anderson Moves to Fort Sumter
    Major Robert Anderson gathers his small army at Fort Sumter
  • Harriet Tubman arrives in Auburn, NY

    Harriet Tubman arrives in Auburn, NY
    Harriet Tubman arrives in Auburn New York, on her last mission to free slaves, having evaded capture for 8 years on the Underground Railroad
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Abraham Lincoln officially becomes the 16th President of the United States of America
  • The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis.

    The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis.
    West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer, as president.
  • Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire.

    Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire.
    With 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • President Lincoln issues a Proclamation

    President Lincoln issues a Proclamation
    Calling for 75,000 militiamen.Summoning a special session of Congress for July 4.
  • President Lincoln issues a Proclamation

    President Lincoln issues a Proclamation
    A proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports. During the war the blockade limits the ability of the South to stay well supplied in its war against the industrialized North.
  • The Union Army suffers a defeat at Bull Run

    The Union Army suffers a defeat at Bull Run
    Union troops fall back to Washington. President Lincoln realizes the war will be long.
  • George B. McClellan as Commander of Potomac.

    George B. McClellan as Commander of Potomac.
    Replacing McDowell.
  • President Lincoln revokes Gen. John C. Frémont's

    President Lincoln revokes Gen. John C. Frémont's
    Later relieves Gen. Frémont of his command and replaces him with Gen. David Hunter.
  • McClellan as general-in-chief of all Union forces

    McClellan as general-in-chief of all Union forces
    After the resignation of the aged Winfield Scott.
  • The beginning of a crisis for President Lincoln

    The beginning of a crisis for President Lincoln
    two Confederate officials sailing toward England are seized by the U.S. Navy. England, the leading world power, demands their release, threatening war.
  • President Lincoln son, Willie dies from fever

    President Lincoln son, Willie dies from fever
    Probably caused by polluted drinking water in the White House.
  • Victory For Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

    Victory For Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
    Capturing Fort Henry, and ten days later Fort Donelson. Grant earns the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant.
  • The Confederate Ironclad 'Merrimac' sinks two wooden Union ships

    The Confederate Ironclad 'Merrimac' sinks two wooden Union ships
    Union ships then battle the Union Ironclad 'Monitor' to a draw. Naval warfare is changed forever, making wooden ships obsolete.
  • Confederate surprise attack on Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Troops

    Confederate surprise attack on Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Troops
    With 13,000 Union killed and wounded at Shiloh on the Tennessee River
  • 17 Union ships come up the Mississippi River

    17 Union ships come up the Mississippi River
    And take New Orleans. The South's greatest seaport.
  • Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's Army attacks McClellan's troops

    Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's Army attacks McClellan's troops
    Nearly defeats them. But Johnston is badly wounded.
  • 75,000 Federals are defeated by 55,000 Confederate

    Federals under Gen. John Pope. Confederates under Gen. Stonewall Jackson
  • Lee goes to the North with 50,000 Confederates and heads for Harpers Ferry

    Lee goes to the North with 50,000 Confederates and heads for Harpers Ferry
    Located 50 miles northwest of Washington.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The bloodiest day in U.S. military history. Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Armies are stopped at Antietam in Maryland by McClellan and numerically superior Union forces. By nightfall 26,000 men are dead, wounded, or missing. Lee then withdraws to Virginia.
  • Battle at Fredericksburg

    Battle at Fredericksburg
    In Virginia with a loss of 12,653 men after 14 frontal assaults
  • President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in territories held by Confederates

    President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in territories held by Confederates
    And emphasizes the enlisting of black soldiers in the Union Army. The war to preserve the Union now becomes a revolutionary struggle for the abolition of slavery.
  • Gen. Grant is placed in command of the Army of the West

    Gen. Grant is placed in command of the Army of the West
    With orders to capture Vicksburg.
  • The Union Army under Gen.

    The Union Army under Gen.
    Hooker is decisively defeated by Lee's much smaller forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia as a result of Lee's brilliant and daring tactics.
  • Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds

    Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds
    His last words "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees."
  • 75,000 Confederates invade the north again.

    75,000 Confederates invade the north again.
    Going to Pennsylvania in a campaign that will soon lead to Gettysburg.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    In Pennsylvania. Confederates are defeated
  • Vicksburg, the last Confederate on the Mississippi River, surrenders

    Vicksburg, the last Confederate on the Mississippi River, surrenders
    To Gen. Grant and the Army of the West after a six week siege.
  • The President pushing for equality in Negro troops.

    The President pushing for equality in Negro troops.
    Meets with abolitionist Frederick Douglass
  • 450 pro-slavery followers butcher 182 boys and men.

    At Lawrence, Kansas
  • President Lincoln delivers a two minute Gettysburg Address

    President Lincoln delivers a two minute Gettysburg Address
    At a ceremony dedicating the Battlefield as a National Cemetery.
  • Grant Takes Command

    Grant Takes Command
    Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant commander of all Union armies, ending his long search for a decent general to command northern forces
  • Virginia Campaign

    Virginia Campaign
    Ulysses S. Grant and 120,000 troops march south towards Richmond, the Confederate capital. Over the course of the next six weeks nearly 50,000 Union soldiers die.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    During the horrific Battle of the Wilderness, thousands of men burn to death as the woods in which they were fighting catch fire.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    Grant attacks Robert E. Lee's Confederate forces at Spotsylvania. Grant loses more soldiers than Lee. Still, General Lee is forced to retreat south.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    The Battle of Cold Harbor is a disaster for the union. Grant makes a series of mistakes that leads to the death of 7,000 soldier in 20 minutes
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    The Siege of Petersburg ended the previous mobile war and began a 9-moth siege
  • Troops die in Train Crash

    Troops die in Train Crash
    Troop train loaded with Confederate prisoners collided with a coal train killing 65 & injuring 109 of 955 aboard
  • Lincoln looks for Reinforcments

    Lincoln looks for Reinforcments
    President Lincoln request 500,000 volunteers to help fight the war
  • Battle of Mobile Bay

    Battle of Mobile Bay
    Union Admiral David Farragut led his troops through the Confederate defenses at Mobile, Alabama, to seal one of the last major Southern ports.
  • Burning of Atlanta

    Burning of Atlanta
    Union General William T. Sherman captures and burns Atlanta during US Civil War
  • 13th Amendment ends slavery

    13th Amendment ends slavery
    The United States Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which will abolish slavery.
  • Lee take Command

    Lee take Command
    General Robert E. Lee named Commander-in-Chief of Confederate Armies during US Civil War
  • Columbia Up in Flames

    Columbia Up in Flames
    Columbia, South Carolina burns down during the Civil War
  • Lincoln's 2nd Inaugaration

    Lincoln's 2nd Inaugaration
    Lincoln is sworn in for his second term as President of the United States.
  • Richmond Falls

    Richmond Falls
    The Union Army captures Richmond, Virginia, which is nearly leveled by shelling and fire.
  • Siege of Petersburg Ends

    Siege of Petersburg Ends
    The Siege of Petersburg ends as Ulysses S. Grant's army breaks through Confederate lines and marches towards Richmond.
  • Lincoln gets shot

    Lincoln gets shot
    Lincoln gets shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington
  • SS Sultana explodes

    SS Sultana explodes
    Steamboat "SS Sultana" explodes in the Mississippi River, killing up to 1,800 of the 2,427 passengers, most of them Union POWs on their way home
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    13th Amendment Ratified
    The 13th Amendment is ratified by the United States. Outlawing slavery in its entirety
  • KKK Founded

    KKK Founded
    In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the Ku Klux Klan.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The last issue of the Liberator (an abolitionist new paper) is published. The newspaper has now becomes unnecessary because the slaves have been freed.
  • Memphis Riots

    Memphis Riots
    Beginning with an altercation between white policemen and black Union soldiers, everything erupts into violence. Black neighborhoods are ravaged as white civilians and police alike look for vengeance. Federal troops are able to end fighting on May 3rd.
  • Winfield Scott's death

    Winfield Scott's death
    Winfield Scott dies at West Point.
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States [regardless of color]...are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."
  • Tennessee readmitted

    Tennessee readmitted
    Following the Civil War Tennessee becomes the first state readmitted to the Union.
  • General of The Army

    General of The Army
    Congress passes the legislation making General of the Army a rank. Ulysses S. Grant is the first to hold that title.
  • New Orleans Race Riots

    New Orleans Race Riots
    Starting with African Americans protesting outside a Louisiana Conventional Convention for better voting rights ended in a race riot. The conflict was started when Mayor Monroe organized a group of ex-Confederate soldiers to attack the protestors.
  • Presidential Proclomation

    Presidential Proclomation
    Andrew Johnson wrote and signed this document after fighting in Texas had ceased. It assured the American public that civil order had been restored to America and that the United States was whole again.
  • Douglass becomes First Black Delegate

    Douglass becomes First Black Delegate
    Frederick Douglass becomes the first black delegate at a convention. His personal narrative also exposed Americans to the brutal practices of slavery.
  • House of Representatives Election

    House of Representatives Election
    The Republican Party wins in a landslide. This will make President Johnson's job harder as Congress is mostly composed of Radical Republicans who are at odds with the president regarding Reconstruction in the South.
  • Black Voting Rights

    Black Voting Rights
    In Washington D.C., Congress allows African American men to vote despite the veto from President Johnson.
  • Peabody Fund

    Started by George Peabody, the purpose of the fund was to provide education to the poorest regions of the South. It's reasoning for being started was largely the destruction that had been caused during the Civil War and would only benefit white children.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    United States Congress creates the Department of Education in order to collect information and statistics from schools.
  • First Reconstruction Act Approved

    First Reconstruction Act Approved
    This act would aim to keep Southern states under control. The purpose of the first act was to split the ten Southern states into five military districts.
  • Second Reconstruction Act Passed

    Second Reconstruction Act Passed
    Expanding on the first, it placed military commanders to act as governors over the five districts. It also required that office holders in the South had to recite an oath as well as changes to voting. This was meant to make it harder for ex-Confederates to have less of an impact in the government.
  • Lincoln Memorial Approved

    Congress approves the building of the Lincoln Memorial, which honors the significant president
  • USA Purchases Alaska

    USA Purchases Alaska
    In a deal that was stalled by the Civil War, the U.S. buys Alaska from Russia for the price of $7,200,000 or 2 cents per acre.
  • Third Reconstruction Act Passed

    Third Reconstruction Act Passed
    Giving supreme control to the five Union generals in control of the districts.These generals were given ultimate power as they could remove any officiafrom office if they were thought to have been hampering with the process of Reconstruction. These acts will push Southern citizens over the edge who will result to violence through the Ku Klux Klan.
  • First Black University

    First Black University
    With the help of Congress the first all African American college is created in Washington D.C. named Howard U.
  • Johnson Suspends Stanton

    Johnson Suspends Stanton
    President Johnson suspends Secretary of War Edward Stanton regarding policies about Reconstruction in the South.