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Chris McCandless's Great Adventure

  • Chris graduates from Emory College

    Chris graduates from Emory College
    He wants to prove that he can live solely off the land and away from his family.
  • Chris leaves home

    Chris leaves home
    He abandons his Datsun and halts communication with his family
  • Chris Canoes down the Colorado river

    Chris Canoes down the Colorado river
    He almost drowns but continues to travel.
  • Chris Reaches Mexico

    Chris Reaches Mexico
    Learns that he does not function well in society anymore and decides to keep on his journey despite the challenges
  • Chris McCandless in Houston

    Chris McCandless in Houston
    He gets caught crossing the border and spends a night in jail
  • Chris finds work

    Chris finds work
    He works at McDonalds for two months. He realizes that he actually needs money to survive and works just enough to keep him on the road. He meets Charlie and lives in his RV
  • The last time anyone will see Chris

    The last time anyone will see Chris
    Franz drives Chris up to Grand Junction. Chris emotionally writes to his friends for one last time. He can't wait to get into the wild.
  • Chris having fun in Alaska

    Chris having fun in Alaska
    He learns that it is more hard than he thinks to live off the land. Hunting is a challenge for him. He does not have the proper knowledge and tools.
  • Chris writes SOS letter

    Chris writes SOS letter
    He realizes that he is in great danger. He is scared that he is going to die.
  • Chris McCandless Dies

    Chris McCandless Dies
    He dies a sad death because of starvation. His body is found two weeks later by a moose hunter. His family is devastated