Mccandless 580

Chris McCandless' Life Journey

  • High School

    Chris is in high school. He tried many sports, and was a very good athlete, but lacked the patience to fine-tune skills. Chris took up running, and was amazing. As coach of cross country team, he told the other runners to imagine they were running away from all of the evil and darkness in the world.
  • Birth

    Chris is born in El Segundo, California.
  • Chris Moves

    Chris moved with his family to Annandale, Virginia, nearby to father's work in Washington, D.C.
  • Chris's Discovery

    Chris drove to El Segundo, and talked to many of his old neighbors, Chris was able to piece together the facts of his father's previous marriage and the divorce that he had. Chris was otherwise unaware that his father had been in another relationship and was very angry that he had not told him
  • College

    Chris cut off ties with parents after uncovering an infidelity in his father's past; he had had a sixth child with his first wife, after Chris was born with Walt's second wife, and chris no longer trusted his father, and chris also did not forgive his father for not telling him what had happened.
  • Chris' Journey Begins

    Chris took his old Datsun and drove directly West. He had no choice but to abandon his Datsun in Arizona after a flash flood soaked the engine and it would no longer start for Chris, attaching a note to the car saying if someone could get the car out they could have it. Along with his car Chris also left most of his belongings behind.
  • Name Change

    Chris started going by the name of "Alex Supertramp". Chris also began keeping a journal, documenting his travels and experiences.
  • Bullhead Ciity

    Chris arrives in Bullhead City, Arizona, where he settles down in a trailer and starts his job at McDonald's flipping burgers. He stays there for a couple of months working under his real name Chris McCandless and opening a savings account, even giving out his real social security number.
  • To Alaska

    Alex finally decides that he is ready to go to Alaska. After very difficult hitch hiking, Alex finally arrives in Fairbanks.
  • Meeting Jim

    While Alex is hitch hiking he meets Jim, they instantly become friends and Jim is intrigued by the young man who is venturing out into the wilderness. Jim wants Alex to get better equipment, but Alex has his mind set on going as he is, however he accepts some small gifts such as rubber boots from Jim. Alex arrives at his final destination, the Stampede Trail
  • Hunting is Hard

    Hunting is getting difficult, chris is alive only because of hunting everyday and getting more little animals and not many bigger animals. Chris also has to eat many wild plants and vegetables because there is less wild game.
  • Alex's Accident

    Alex had been eating wild potatoes since he got to Alaska with no harsh effects, but when the root of the potato became bitter and inedible alex began collecting the seeds. What Alex did not know is that the seeds went bad and they ended up getting alex sick, and made Alex unable to get any nourishment from food he ate, leading to Alex starving.
  • Alex Left Note

    lex was very weak, and he left a note on the door saying that he needed help, and that if anyone came upon the bus that he needs there help.
  • Death

    On day 112 Alex dies, the last note that he left says: "I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!" Only nineteen days later, six people found themselves at the bus at the same time, to find Alex dead inside his sleeping bag.