
Chris McCandless journey

  • Amandale, Virgina

    Amandale, Virgina
    •Chris moved here after being born in California
    • Parents Billie Johnson & Walt Johnson
    • Graduated in 1986
    • Got Accepted in Emory University
  • Emory University, Atlanta

    Emory University, Atlanta
    • During his time at Emory Chris discovers secrets about his Fathers past.
    • Chris started a school Newspaper
    Called the Emory wheel.
    • Graduated on May, 1990.
    • Told parents he would be gone for a while.
  • Detrital Wash, Arizona

    Detrital Wash, Arizona
    • Travels west to Arizona.
    • Traveling in His Old Datsun.
    • Datsun gets stuck in a flood so Chris leaves the car behind.
    • Chris Car gets found by Park Rangers later on.
  • Northern California

    Northern California
    • stole a Bike and headed to northern California.
    • Later on got a ride by a women Named Jan.
    • Jan tought her son & Chris are very alike.
    • Chris kept in touch with Jan after she dropped him off.
  • South Dakota

    South Dakota
    • Chris Decides to change his Name to Alexander Supertramp.
    • Gets a ride by a guy Named Wayne westberg.
    • Wayne gives alex a job at a grain elevator.
    • Wayne later on gets arrested & Chris leaves to continue his journey.
  • Gulf coast and Mexico

    Gulf coast and Mexico
    • Alex travels on canoe to the Gulf coast.
    • Mexicans give him a ride to the Gulf coast.
    • Almost drowned while exploring in the Gulf coast.
    • Gets arrested for trying to enter the U.S. again without a I.D.
  • BullHead ,Arizona

    BullHead ,Arizona
    • Alex spends the winter in Bullhead city.
    • He gets a temporary job at McDonald's.
    • Contacts his friend Jan and decides to leave town and go with her and her husband.
    • Stayed a month in BullHead city.
  • Salton city, California

    Salton city, California
    • Alex begins to head towards Alaska and sets up a camp just outside of salton city.
    • Gets picked up by a man named Ronald Franz.
    • Ronald asked Alex if he could Adopt him.
    • Alex gets dropped off at Grand junction.
  • Carthage, South Dakota

    Carthage, South Dakota
    • Wayne westberg is out of Jail.
    • Alex decides to stay for a while and work.
    • Alex was doing jobs no one else would do.
    • April 15, Alex leaves the Grain elevator and continues his journey to Alaska.
  • Fairbanks, Alaska

    Fairbanks, Alaska
    • First visited Alaska in 1989.
    • Ended up in Alaska again in April, 25, 1992.
    • Met jim Gallien in Alaska
    • Gallien almost contacted authorities for Chris safety.
  • Teklanika River, Alaska

    Teklanika River, Alaska
    • Alex crosses the Teklanika River and finds a Bus.
    • Lives on the bus for 2 months than decides to go back to society.
    • He can't cross the river so stays in the bus.
    • Chris Mccandless later on dies of starvation