Lay Me Down rescued
Lay me down is found with fourty other horses abused and starving. and taken to the local SPCA -
Susan Takes Lay Me Down
susan richards takes lay me down and her foal home to care for -
lay me down has servere pnemonia -
foal taken away
her foal is taken by the previous owner to pay the vet bills -
introuduced to the geldings
lay me down is well enough to introuduce to other horses -
Introduced to Georgia(mare)
georgia is very aggressive and needs to be the "queen" while establishg that place she attaks lay me down and injures her leg -
Something might be wrong with her eye
Allie, susans friend who can tell when anything is wrong says she thinks lay me downs eye may be protruding -
The vet does a sonogram on her eye
her eye is protruding and she has a tumor growing underneath it the sonogram was sent to cornell for a better opinion. -
Time to go for tests on her eye
There is a large pink mass the size of a golfball along the edge of the eye. -
they take lay me down to the vet. hospital in cornell for tests and hopefully removal of the tumor -
Not able to operate
the tumor is unoperable because of the location and how close it is to the brain -
Lay Me Down Dies
she was euthinized.