
  • 600


    The xocoatl or Bitter water was invented in Mexico around 600 A.D by maya Indian and Actecs.They mixed cocoa with corn, chilli and spices and
    then boiled it.
  • 1526

    Drinking Chocolate

    Drinking Chocolate
    Drinking chocolate was invented in Spain in 1528 by Hermán Cortés.The Spanish added sugar to the
    chocolate drink
  • 1526

    Hermán Coertés

    Hermán Coertés
    Hermán Cortés was born in 1485 in Medellin and he died in 1547.He invented the Drinking chocolate because it was thought that drinking chocolate had healing properties and improved health and energy.
  • Chocolate hause

    Chocolate hause
    Chocolate houses were invented in the 18th century.Chocolate could be mass-produced and so became available to everybody.
  • Chocolate bar

    Chocolate bar
    The chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Fry and Sons.They are made by the same families that set up the first chocolate factories.