
Chinese Violence in War and Governing

  • New Government

    New Government
    On November 1, 1911, Prince Chi'ing resigned as prime minister, and General Yuan Shih-kai was asked to take over as prime minister and form a government. On November 8, 1911, General Yuan Shih-kai was chosen by the National Assembly to be prime minister. Huang Hsing's Chinese nationalists overthrew the government forces and took Nanking (Nanjing). Approximately two thousand people lost their lives in the fighting.
  • Qing Dynasty Falls

    Qing Dynasty Falls
    the Qing dynasty faced threats from abroad and natural disasters at home that would lead to a series of rebellions that weakened their rule. China faced defeat and lost Hong Kong to the British after the First Opium War. The Taiping and Boxer rebellions were aimed at Qing rulers and foreign entrance on China. The Yellow River Flood killed up to a million, devastating China. Finally, the Revolution of 1911 and leader Sun Yat-sen ended the last dynasty.
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    Kuomintang Rebel

    People of the Kuomintang rebelled against the Kiangsu province in July. They were able to suppress the rebells for around 2 months. During this conflict around 10,00 people were killed.
  • More rebellion

    More rebellion
    The leader of the Kuomintang in south Fukien (Chen Chiung-Ming) rebelled against the faction of Canton.
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    War Lords

    The warlords of northern china were fighting a civil war because they all desired power and wanted control of government in Beijing.
  • President

    Sun Yat-sen was elected president by a Kuomintang-dominated parliament in Canton
  • Kuomintang vs Kuomintang

    Kuomintang vs Kuomintang
    Kuomintang troops led by Chen Chiung-ming defeated Kuomintang troops loyal to Sun Yat-sen near Canton.
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    Clashing in Shanghai

    Protestors in Shanghai and various other cities clashed against the police and this resulted in around 100 deaths.
  • Guns go off

    Guns go off
    The police of Beijing fired shots on student protestors. This left around 40 people dead.
  • Shanghai Massacre

    Shanghai Massacre
    The nationalist party head ordered a massacre of communists. So Millions of executions happened and it was so bloody because a famous quote by the leader (Chiang Kai-shek) was "I would rather mistakenly kill 1,000 innocent people rather than allow one Communist to escape."
  • CCP Response

    The CCP wants to responds with a purge. They want revenge and to have failure not be an endpoint for the party. The communists went into the mountain side and took the land from landlords. Distributing it to the peasants to make them loyal. Though defeated nationalists would join party so it left high chance for infiltration. You couldnt tell who was who so party members had to prove they were the best. They did so by killing the most in these purges. Now a part of the CCP is vioelnce.
  • Civil war starts

    Civil war starts
    Civil war begins and the two sides are the forces loyal to the Koumintang led government of the republic of china, and forces of the communist party of china.
  • KMT Purge in depth

    For those who weren't killed or executed publicly they would be taken and imprisoned. Due overcrowding the conditions were awful. It had too many people, poor sanitation, bad nutrition, low ventilation, and lighting. This would lead to many people dying even after being taken into prison. KMT wanted these places to be ways to reform the thinking of prisoners. They did this through promotional films or lectures. The overcrowding of inmates slowly lead to the use of labor camps.
  • Unknown bomb

    Unknown bomb
    A bomb unknown of its origin was placed and blew up a Japanese railway near Mukden of the time. Japan used the incident as a reason to occupy Manchuria. Making it the puppet state of Manchukuo.
  • Shanghai incident

    Shanghai incident
    Japanese troops followed through on attacks to shanghai and staged assaults on Japanese people and even some of their property.
  • Marco Polo bridge

    Marco Polo bridge
    This was a conflict between Chinese and Japanese troops. Japanese troops tried to enter a small town to search for a missing soldier and were denied. Shots were heard and the two groups started fighting. This conflict is considered the start of the second Sino-Japanese war.
  • Nanjing Massacre

    Nanjing Massacre
    The Japanese General (Matsui Iwane) ordered to destroy the city of Nanking. Soldiers of Japan did and burned it, tortured them, raped women, and thats not all. They took about 150,000 male prisoners. Around 50,000 males were killed and an estimated 20,000 females were raped. The women raped many did not live to tell the story. They wanted no evidence of this incident. They were able to commit these atrocities because they saw these people as less than human and more like animals.
  • Yellow River Incident

    Yellow River Incident
    The dykes in the yellow river were blown up by the nationalists to get an advantage on the Japanese to get into central and southern china. Although this flood kills around 800,000 and turns 4 million into refugees. But nationalists didn't care and used this as a tool of war.
  • Pacific War Starts and it's Violent Racial Undertones.

    Pacific War Starts and it's Violent Racial Undertones.
    This war was so brutal because of the racial hate each side had for one another. If you look at how the Japanese viewed Americans in some of their art work we were drawn as reptilians. Or we would have the sing of the beast on us. While we just saw that we were better than them and that we had to prove we were the best. The racial undertones also played into war planning. The Japanese didn't account for submarine attacks because they assumed we were to weak to undergo long submarine trips.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    Their were tense negotiations after japan defeat that turns into fighting. The CCP abandon the south and focus on the northeast. They seize the left over weapons from Japanese. But the KMT negotiates with the U.S to receive aid. The KMT overstretch their numbers and are counter attacked by the CCP ultimately leading to a win for the CCP.
  • Land Reform Continued

    Land Reform Continued
    Following these late night meeting the next day struggle sessions were more successful but powered by the violence and fear of the local cadres. Then after that second session a third one would be held where some of local more powerful figures would show up. Leading to a more emotional and successful session. After this final session two of the targets were sentenced to death. Then having their land confiscated and distributed to villagers.
  • Land Reform

    After the war they went about land reform. They would go to the land lords or powerful figures in villages, publicly shame them or executions. Those who were poor were slowly being turned into power figures. They also would hold events called struggle sessions. These targets were lead to the stage chained up and then were yelled at by local cadres. Although shouting things at them none of the village would join in. Later at night small groups were brought together and told they had to join in.
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    Counterrevolutionary Suppression

    To complete this task they broke the power of religious sects and underground gangs. Also going against drugs, prostitution, and intellectuals. During 1.2 million were arrested and 700,000 were executed. In these numbers it includes guilty and innocent people. They also would make it known that the definition of a counterrevolutionary could be almost anyone. With this they would hold mass rallies accusing people of being one essentially using fear as a way of policing large amount of people.
  • Grain Rationing

    Grain Rationing
    They slowly started to realize their wasn't enough grain. They decided to make the grain industry no longer private. Thus making it unified purchasing and marketing. The people were forced into this system of the state deciding what happens with their grain. These people were threatened with deportation and other things if they didn't do well. Also anyone who looked like they could be in physical labor was rounded up and made to do so. People tried to avoid this by wearing new clothes.
  • 100 Flowers Campaign

    100 Flowers Campaign
    This was a campaign Mao held because he thought things were going so well for him. Unfortunately they weren't and he was met with a lot of criticism he couldn't handle or didn't want to be true. So he would punish those who would criticize him. But he would make people criticize him so you had to do so in a way that would save you but maybe throw someone else under the bus. And if targeted it was very hard to prove your innocence because it was a cut throat time of kill or be killed.
  • Famine

    Rice was becoming increasingly scarce. People were starting to realize this. They were eating whatever they possibly could find. This started due to the local government lying about their grain production numbers to the higher government. This problem was very easily fixable but they did not do so. During this famine around 45 million people die.
  • Cultural Revolution

    Cultural Revolution
    This was something initaited by Moa and he essentially wanted to rid the culture of something called the four olds. The four olds are old ideas, customs, cultures, and habits. They wanted to rid of all those things. Moa wanted to get rid of the old ideas and introduce Maoism. Although this quickly turned to the creation of the red guards and people turning on each other. Then martial law was in effect and over 1.5 million deaths. Moa would then die in 1976 ending this revolution.