Chinese timeline 1400-1900s

  • Mar 6, 1368

    Rise of the Ming Dynasty

    by 1368, the Ming dynasty rose to power and pushed out the Mogols of the Golden Horde.
  • Mar 6, 1405

    Zheng He

    From 1405-1433, Zheng He led several expeditions to the Indian
    Ocean. His fleet was recalled when a new emperor came to power.
  • Fall of the Ming, rise of the Qing

    In 1664, the Ming rulers let Mughal warriors into China to help stop rebellions. Instead, they ousted the emperor and established the Qing dynasty.
  • Cheating Exams

    A student who failed the civil service exam held a public demonstration to protest the bribing of exam officials. thisa shows the level of corruption in China.
  • Lin Zexu

    Lin Zexu was a government official sent by the emperor to stop the opium trade. Afler failed cooperation with European merchants, Lin ordered European trading in Canton to be blocked and all opuim supplies to be destroyed.
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    From 1839 to 1842, the Qing dynasty fought the British government over opium trade and land in China. It ended with the Chinese loss of Hong Kong.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Rebellion in China against the Qing, led by Hong Xiuquan. He attempteed to bring social reforms and convert people to Christianity. They were defeated by the Qing with French and British help.
  • Second Opium War

    1856-1860. China went to war with Britian and France over the treaty of Nanking and Opium trade. China lost again.
  • Korean Independce

    Korea took advantage of china's weakness and declared themsleves independent.
  • Sino-French War

    China lost control of Veitnam to the French, who established the .
    French Indochina colony.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    People in China revolted against European and Japanese influence. They used voilence and guerilla tactics. They eventually lost and caused China to pay the Europeans and Japenese for compensation.
  • Sino-Japenese War

    Japan fought China for control of Taiwan and trading rights similar to the British.
  • Self-Strenghthening Movement

    Movement in China to counter western nfluence. it encouraged western investment in railroads and factoriers, and the modernization of armies.
  • End of Exams

    In 1905, the Chinese Examination System was eliminated. This was significant because it foreshadoweed the end of the Chinese bureacracy.
  • Last Emperor

    the Last emperor during the Qing empire was a teenager named Puyi. He was taken out of power during the last rebellion.
  • Fall of the Qing Dynasty

    In 1912, the Qing dynasty fell due to internal issues, including rebellions. The Republic of China was established.
  • Open Door Policy

    Through the Open Door Policy, the U.S pledged to support the Chinsese govermnent and declared equal trading privileges among all imperial powers.