
Chinese Revolution

  • Start of Revolution

    Start of Revolution
    Sun Yixian's revolutionary alliance overthrows the Qing dinasty. Quing dinasty ends after ruling since 1644
  • Yuan's dictatorship

    Yuan's dictatorship
    Sun turned over the presidency to Yuan who betrays democratic ideas and starts ruling as a military dictator.
  • Yuan Shikai dies - Civil War

    Yuan Shikai dies - Civil War
    After Yuan dies there is caos in China and a civil war breaks out. Sun tries to orerganize everything again.
  • War against Germany

    War against Germany
    Government in Beijing, hoping to get a good ally, declare war against Germany.
  • May Forth Movement

    May Forth Movement
    Angry students gather shouting "Boycott Japan" in protest. Mao Zedong, a teacher at that time, supports these students.
  • Foundation of Chinese Communist Party

    Foundation of Chinese Communist Party
    Group organizes and meets for foudation of the Chinese Communist Party, whose main foundator was Mao Zedong.
  • Nationalist receive military advisers and equipment

    Nationalist receive military advisers and equipment
    Lenin preached worldwide revolution so he helps China's Nationalist government by sending them military advisors and equipment for war.
  • Sun dies

    Sun dies
    Jiang Jieshi/ Chiang Kai-shek takes head of the Kuomintang (Natiolalists).
  • Killing of Communists

    Killing of Communists
    Nationalist troops and armed gangs move into Shangai and kill communist leaders and union members. They nearly wipeout the communist party; survivors hide.
  • Jiang president

    Jiang president
    Jiang becomes president of the Nationalist Republic of China.
  • War between Communist and Nationalist

    War between Communist and Nationalist
    Peasants fight on Mao's side (communist). The nationalist army tries to drive them out but they fail.
  • Japan invides Northeast part of China

    Japan invides Northeast part of China
    Japan invades Manchuri, simultaneously, World War II was starting.
  • Period: to

    The Long March

    Jiang's army surrounds the Communist. They (Mao's army had 100,000 people) escape to the mountains into a 6,000 mile long treck that lasts a year. At the end, only 30,000 survive
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    After invading Manchuria, Japan decides to invide more of China and starts attacking China.
  • Period: to

    Unite to fight Japan

    Communist and Nationalist stop fighting between them to fight against Japan. Though Communist didn't have foreign support, they were very good at fighting Japan, different from the Nationalist that were very bad.
  • Communist begin to see triumph

    Communist begin to see triumph
    Most of northern China is controlled by Mao's red army (communist).
  • Period: to

    Renewed Civil War

    Communist and Nationalists start fighting again, but Nationalist did very little to gain popularity and remained with their "good economy" until China's economy started collapsing.
  • Communist victory

    Communist victory
    China's major cities fall to the Red Army one by one (well trained in guerrilla warfare).
  • Mao Zedong gains control of country

    Mao Zedong gains control of country
    After the remainings of Jiang's army fled South, Mao finally wins control of China.
  • End of Revolution

    End of Revolution
    Mao creates agrarian reforms, all of the peasants support MAo because he reorganizes lands. Soviet and China sign a friendship treaty.