
Chinese Revolution

  • Qing Dynasty Ends

    Qing Dynasty Ends
    The Qing dynasty had been maintaining limited power until there was a revolt against them and the dynasty fell, ending the imperial system. A weak provisional government took its place.
  • Sun Yixian President of New Republic of China

    Sun Yixian President of New Republic of China
    Sun Yixian started the kuomintang (Nationalist Party). Because of this, Sun Yixian was named president of the New Republic of China. He believed in the "three principles of people":
    1) Nationalism
    2)People´s right - having a democracy
    3) People´s livelihood
  • Yuan Shikai Takes Control

    Yuan Shikai Takes Control
    Yuan Shikai was a military dictator that took the Chinese power in 1913. He contradicted Sun Yixian beliefs and he basically used the military forces. There were many revolts against him and the army refused to fight againts the revolt.
  • Yuan Shikai Dies

    Yuan Shikai Dies
    Yuan Shikai dies and after his death chaos invaded China. A civil war started among the provincial warlords.
    Because all of this, China was being waged in Europe and this is why this country was part of WWI.
  • Government of Beijing

    Government of Beijing
    The Governement of Beijing declared war against Germany. The Traty of Versailles was signed and allied leaders gave Japan the territories that belonged to Germany.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    Angry students gathered in Beijing. A new leader came who supported these students who was called Mao Zedong. The May the Fourth Movement happened as a way to show people wanted modernization of the country.
  • The Chinese Communist Party

    The Chinese Communist Party
    The year before this one, there had been a discussion about Marx beliefs. With this as a base, the Chinese Communist Party was created, and Mao Zedong was an important figure in it. This governement located in the south of China.
  • Communists to Kuomintang

    Communists to Kuomintang
    Soviet advisers and equipment was sent to China to the Nationalists to allow communists to join Kuomintang.
  • Against Communist

    Against Communist
    With the death of Sun Yixian, Chian Kai-Shek was named the head of the kuomintang. At first he put aside his differences with the communist, but quickly he turned against them.
  • Nationalists to Shangai

    Nationalists to Shangai
    The nationalists troops and armed gangs moved into Shangai nearly whipping the Chinese Communist Party. The nationalists now remained on the North and the communists on the south.
  • Chiang Kai-Shek President

    Chiang Kai-Shek President
    Chian Kai-Shek became the president. Great Britain and the United States recognized the government of the coutnry under his rule, but the Soviet Union didn´t. It was a corrupt government so peasants ended up going to the communist party. Meanwhile, Mao Zedong divided the land among local farmers.
  • Nationalists vs Communists

    Nationalists vs Communists
    The CIvil War between Nationalists and Communists started. Mao Zedong, communist, had the peasants by his side. Nationalists attacked repeteadly, but fail to drive communists out.
  • Chiang Kai- Shek to Communist Stronghold

    Chiang Kai- Shek to Communist Stronghold
    Chiang Kai- Shek gathered an army of 700,000 men and surrounded the communist stronghold, leaving no more choice to communists than leave.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    Left with no other choice, communist forces fled to the north in a trip called the Long March. Only one third of them survived it.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan had taken control of Manchuria in 1931 and now the Japanese slowly began entering China. They started destroying farms.
  • Japanese Control Large Part of China

    Japanese Control Large Part of China
    Japan took control of a large part of China so the nationalists and communists decided to halt the civil war and fight Japan separately together. Mao Zedong mobilized peasants for guerrilla war against Japanese.
  • Japanese Out

    Japanese Out
    Mao´s red army controlled much of northen China. The Japanese surrender and the civil war continued. The United States supplied the nationalists and the Soviet Union provided minimal help to Mao Zedong.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The nationalists outnumbered the communists, however, had little popular support. The nationalists soldiers ended up deserting to the communists.
  • Major Cities

    Major Cities
    The Red Army became strong and by the spring of 1949 they controlled China´s major cities.
  • Communists WIn

    Communists WIn
    Mao Zedong gained control of the country. The nationalists were force to mave to actual day Taiwan and in the path they stoled everyhting from the museums. China was now named "People Republic of China" and Taiwan was named "Republic of China".