Chinese Inventionsm

  • 3000 BCE


    The chinese in 3000 BC invented silk they used silkworms to make it.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 200 BCE


    China invented the compass they used lodestone because it is magentic. The chinese used a rubbing a needle.
  • 200 BCE


    China invented the first steel. They learned bend into many shapes.
    They learned steal outclasses iron.
  • 50 BCE

    Cholrine Bleech.

    This was a major advancement in the promblem of diases prenvention. They used it kill germs
  • 50


    They combimned clay and quartz and baked in a kiln.
  • 800

    Game Cards

    China invented games that were played with cards. Since then it has become common. They made famous aritist try the designs.
  • 800

    Game card

    China invented games to played with cards. It has become extremly popular. Famous artists painted the cards.
  • 850


    Gunpowder was accidently invented by alchemist who were trying to find the secret of eternal life.
  • 1100


    The Chinese invented paper in 1100 their first use for paper was for rags. For 500 years China was the only place where people knew to make it.
  • 1300


    Rocket technolgy was further developed by china. China came up with idea to use them in combat.