Inustry Paper
earliest Chinese paper was probably made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree. Paper is such a big part of our lives now but we are slowly moveing into compters. -
Transport compass
Now, th chinese didnt envent the compass but they did improve it greatly. They changed it to be more accurate by replaceing the loadstone with a steel needle. -
industry Porcelain
Porcelain is made by combining clay with the minerals quartz and feldspar.light can pass through it, so that despite its sturdiness it looks quite delicate and beautiful. -
Transport, Paddlewheel boat
Chinese often travled on boats, since they travled so much they made a faster way: the Paddlewheel boat. People would walk on a treadmill to turn the paddle, propeling the boat. -
Feb 11, 618
Transport Improved bridges
a Chinese engineer completed a new type of arched bridge. This bridge is the great stone bridge and it crosses the Chiao Shui river. -
Feb 17, 750
Industry Tea
tea had become a hugely popular everyday beverage throughout China back in that time. The drink’s popularity made tea-plant cultivation a major industry, often involving an entire community. -
Feb 12, 850
Military Gunpowder
This first people who made gun powder were alchemists, They were trying to find a way to maake gold or live forever. -
Feb 12, 950
Military Flamethrower
Early flamethrowers contained gunpowder mixed with oil. The Chinese used them to spray enemies with a stream of fire. -
Feb 16, 1250
Military Bombs
the Chinese used large bombs that were as explosive as modern bombs. I think this looks like a cartoon bomb,