2700 BCE
The Chinese invented tea around 2700 BC. It was mostly used as medicine for several thousand years, though. The original tea recipe-which consists of tea leaves and boiling water-has not changed much at all since its origin. INDUSTRY -
Period: 300 BCE to Feb 14, 1400
Chinese History
200 BCE
The Chinese made many great advances in the world of exploration, like the magnetic compass. They invented the compass as early as the 3rd century. This helped sailors greatly, as it helped them navigate the seas easier. EXPLORATION AND TRAVEL -
The Chinese made making porcelain a mass industry. Porcelain is made by combining clay, quartz and feldspar. Some think China's porcelain is the finest in the world, even calling fine dinnerware china. INDUSTRY -
Water Tight Ships/ Better Ship Construction
Around the second century CE, the Chinese started making water proof ships. They would make separated compartments and use this sealant called caulk to keep out water. They also invented the paddlewheel boat in the 6th century. EXPLORATION/TRAVEL -
Paper making first originated in China in the second century. They used hemp and the bark of a mulberry tree and then used rags. For more than 500 years the Chinese were the only people to make paper. It is assumed that the Europeans first learned about paper making after 1100. INDUSTRY -
Feb 15, 618
Segmental Arch Bridge
The Chinese also invented a type of arched bridge using arches of half circles. This was very important because it took much less materials to produce than a normal bridge. This design is used all over the world now. EXPLORATION/TRAVEL -
Feb 17, 725
Paper Money
The Chinese invented paper money, too. This is important because almost everywhere today uses paper money. They would make it the same as they would playing cards, with wooden blocks. EVERYDAY OBJECTS. -
Feb 17, 750
Mechanical Clock
The Chinese also invented the mechanical clock. Before they would just use a sun dial or hourglasses, but the mechanical clocks are much more accurate than these. EVERYDAY OBJECTS -
Feb 17, 856
Game Cards
The Chinese invented playing cards. They would make the cards with thick paper and wooden block to print them. Famous artists would contribute to the cards by painting them. EVERYDAY OBJECTS