Chinese inventions

  • 150

    Industry; porcelain

    Industry; porcelain
    Porcelain is made by combining clay with quartz and feldspar.
  • 200

    Industry; steel

    Industry; steel
    Steel was made by iron but bends and can form different shapes easier than iron.
  • Period: 200 to Dec 31, 1400


  • 250

    Industry; paper

    Industry; paper
    the chinese invented papermaking but kept it a secret from the rest of the world so they were forced to buy paper from china. the rest of the world eventually caught on and people started making paper all over.
  • 250

    Everyday objects; compass

    Everyday objects; compass
    The chinese invented the first magnetic compass to improve travel by sea. The first compass was made of a magnetic mineral called lodestone.
  • Feb 17, 750

    everyday objects; mechaniclal clock

    everyday objects; mechaniclal clock
    The first mechanical clock was made with water and had drums to represent every quarter hour and bells to represent every hour.
  • Feb 12, 850

    Military; gunpowder

    Military; gunpowder
    aichemits accidently invented gunpowder when they were trying to find a substance that would enable us to live forever.
  • Feb 17, 850

    everyday objects; paper money

    everyday objects; paper money
    Before paper money was invented coins were the only form of currency.
  • Feb 12, 950

    Military; flamethrowers

    Military; flamethrowers
    The chinese invented the flamethrower which is machine that sprayed fire on their enemies.
  • Feb 12, 1300

    Military; rocket technology

    Military; rocket technology
    rockets were powered by black powder and made of saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur.