Chinese inventions

  • 2700 BCE


    Tea is one of the oldest inventions that we still use today. It has been dated back around 2700 B.C. They made it by using tea leaves at the bottom of a kettle with boiling water. They like tea so much that they would right books about it.
  • Period: 300 BCE to Dec 31, 1400

    Chinese history

  • 200 BCE


    While they melting and molding the cast iron they found that it could make a compound called steel. The special steel had a name called Damascus. The strong steel was better for structures and weapons.
  • 50


    Porcelain is a very fine pottery made from clay, quartz, and feldspar. Once made, the porcelain will be put into the kiln or oven. people started using for all types of stuff like,bowls,vases, and dishes. The very sturdy look is tricking you because it is a very delicate product.
  • 150


    The Chinese made the first paper out of hemp and bark from certain trees like the mulberry trees. Paper for China was a great discovery for multiple reasons but one main reason. The paper helped them make the first ever paper money.
  • 250


    They used lodestone to point north once they found out that the poles were the most magnetic part of the world. They would have to put it into a wooden bowl of water to move and so it would not attract to the bowl. The Chinese were the first to convert to steel.
  • 850


    Chinese alchemists were looking for a substance that would allow you you to live for ever but they found gunpowder by accident.
  • 850

    Paper money

    Paper money
    The first sign of paper money was in the 7th century where they were running out of coins to use. They had already made paper before so they decided to take paper and make each one worth a different amount.
  • 1300

    Rocket technology

    Rocket technology
    They used the gunpowder they made for fireworks at first then they made them into weapons for war. they would go high up and release the arrows onto their enemy's.