
Chinese Immigration to New Zealand

  • Gaming Act outlawed puckapoo and fan-tan two Chinese games of chance

    Gaming Act outlawed puckapoo and fan-tan two Chinese games of chance
  • Poll Tax Law which made every Chinese person pay a ten pund tax. (and the 1888 and 1896 amendments)

  • The Old Age Pensions Act excluded naturalised Chinese

  • English Reading test for 'Aliens' which included Chinese

  • Chinese prevented from becoming naturalised ciizens

  • immigration Restriction Act which required all aliens to apply for a permit to come and only the Minister of Customs could decide who was allowed to come as permanent residents

  • Amendment to the Shops and offices Act stated that all people working in fruit shops apart from the owner and his/her spouse had to be paid the basic wage. This stopped Chinese fruiterers from using their childrenas unpaid workers

    Amendment to the Shops and offices Act stated that all people working in fruit shops apart from the owner and his/her spouse had to be paid the basic wage. This stopped Chinese fruiterers from using their childrenas unpaid workers
  • No more temporary permits or student visas issued to Chinese altough Chinese men were permitted to bring their immediate family to New Zealand

  • immigration reveiw permtted Chinese with professional qualifacations to come to New Zealand

  • Business immigration policy selected immigrants on their personal qualities and not on their race

    Business immigration policy selected immigrants on their personal qualities and not on their race
  • Shearers Accommodation Act stated that Chinese in the industry were to have sperate accomodation from the rest of the employees