Chinese immigration and African emigration

  • Chinese Workers

    In 1873 the unemployment mounted, which causes the Chinses workers to grow less tolerant.
  • Old Immigrants

    From the 1800s to the 1880, there were more than 10 million immigrants who cae to the U.S. They were called the old immigrants because most of them were Protestants from northerwestern Europe.
  • Congress

    The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by the congress. It was signed by President Chester A. Arthur.
  • Rock Springs

    There were 28 Chinese Act were murdered in Rock Springs and Wyoming Territory.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island, processing station opens.
  • New Wave of U.S Immigrations

    12 million immigrants between 1891-1910 arrived on the U.S shores.
  • Exclusion Act expired

    The exculsion act wsas expired. When the exclusion act expired it was extended an extra 10 years by Geary Act.
  • 1894

    In 1894, the wealthy Bostonians sought to imposee a literacy test on all the immigrants.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island porcess new Asian newcomers who were mostly from China. The Chinese Africans faced stricted laws.
  • Great migration

    It was caused by job oppurtunites, higher wages and World War which caused the huge population to shift.
    (Started in 1915 and lasted to 1930)