
Chinese Foreign Relations

By preteyz
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    China's Major Events

  • The East India Company set up a trading post in Guangzhou

    The East India Company set up a trading post in Guangzhou
    During this time, emperor Kangxi allows the East India Company entrance into the city of Canton (now known as Guangzhou). In the past, the city of Canton was kept separate to the world by a wall that surrounded the city, keeping foreigners out. After this event, christian missionaries from the East India Company could easily gain access to Canton city.
  • Opium smoking is banned

    Opium smoking is banned
    The appearance of Opium in China had greatly disgusted officials at how addictive the drug was. Because the number of addicts were high, Opium smoking was banned. Emperor YongZheng only allowed small amounts of Opium imports for medicinal purposes.
  • Emperor Qian Long came to power

    Emperor Qian Long came to power
    Qian Long becomes emperor, bringing China to her greatest size and prosperity. During his time, he encouraged trade and brought English missionaries to China to learn about English technology and science advancements.
  • East India Company begins Opium trade

    East India Company begins Opium trade
    In 1773, the East India Company had a huge trade deficit with China. Because the price of silver kept rising, the East India Company was not able to use it as a currency for tea any longer. Instead, the company turns to Opium smuggling. Every year, the East India Company smuggles an estimate of 75 tons of Opium into China despite bans for smoking Opium.
  • Lord George Macartney's trade negotiations with China were denied

    Lord George Macartney's trade negotiations with China were denied
    Lord George Macartney wrote a letter to emperor Qian Long asking to improve the trade restrictions because he refused to follow the "kowtow" ritual in which he must bow down to the emperor and was declined. emperor Qian Long made it clear that China did not need England.
  • Opium ban is reinstated

    Opium ban is reinstated
    Opium imports were increased to 900 tons annualy despite the bans and China was getting desperate to get rid of Opium because the number of addicts were very high.
  • China sentences native drug traffickers to death

    China sentences native drug traffickers  to death
    Although China continues to increase the punishment for drug traficking, the amount of Opium shipped into China keeps increasing. During this time, the amount shipped annually had increased to about 1400 tons annually.
  • Lin Zexu is put in charge of preventing Opium smuggling

    Lin Zexu is put in charge of preventing Opium smuggling
    In 1839, Lin Zexu stopped Opium trade and confiscated each year's supply of Opium that came through ships. He then destroyed each load of opium by dissolving it in water, salt, and lime, then discharging it into the sea. Chinese officials then promised to pay compensation to English merchants for their loss. When england heard of what China was doing to the Opium, she accused China of destroying her property. This event marks the start of the first opium war.
  • British Indian army arrives in China

    British Indian army arrives in China
    The British army procede to wreak havoc to China and take over Canton, a main trading post, and intercept tax vessels. English ships were equipped with steam engines and advanced cannons and muskets which allowed her to win the war with ease. After the war, China was forced to open 4 trading ports to England and to pay indemnity (compensation for damage).
  • China loses Opium War and the Treaty of Nanjing is established

    China loses Opium War and the Treaty of Nanjing is established
    Upon China's defeat, England proceeded to create treaties with China stating that China must open 5 trading ports to foreign countries and give Hong Kong up to England. Other requirements were that China had to pay England for damages caused by war and to legalize Opium trade in China.
  • China is defeated again by western forces in the Second Opium War

    China is defeated again by western forces in the Second Opium War
    After 12 years, the Treaty of Nanking had to be reestablished, however, Chinese officials refused to do so. This led into a great war involving many countries from the west fighting against China. The outcome of the war left China shredded to pieces and more requirements were added to the treaties. China now had to agree to allowing foreigners to roam her country, spreading religion and trading.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese martial artists were against opium trade and the western influence. They also didn't want to be coverted to believe in the christian religion.
  • Boxer Rebellion ends and China is forced to pay for damages

    Boxer Rebellion ends and China is  forced to pay for damages
    After the Boxer Rebellion, the western power asked for compensation for the war damages. China became weaker than she was before and this event led to the commencement of the Open Door Act which the U.S. controled. This prevented other countries from colonizing China.
  • China aids North Korea to thwart US influence in the east

    China aids North Korea to thwart US influence in the east
    US - China relationship is stressed during the Korean war when China takes north Korea's side in trying to reduce American influence on the east. China fights with the north Koreans against America and distrust is created. During the 1950s, China's relationship with America had been very bad.
  • China joins the UN security Council

    China joins the UN security Council
    The People's Republic of China joins the UN in place of the Republic of China (Chiang Kai Shek's). This improved relationships with other countries but created a rivalry between herself and Taiwan. Since Taiwan was the former Republic of China, she was not able to legaly join the United Nations.