Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1400 BCE

    First Chinese Writing system

    First Chinese Writing system
    The earliest form of Chinese writing on turtle shells and oracle bones was found. Writing consisted of different pictographs which influenced the current Chinese writing system.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius teaches about ethical values

    Confucius teaches about ethical values
    Confucius encourages people to have respect for elders, be honest, and be loyal. His teachings were recorded in Analects
  • 106

    Pan Chao writes "Lessons for Women"

    Pan Chao writes "Lessons for Women"
    This book outlined the four virtues women should have:proper virtue, proper speech, proper countenance, proper conduct. Also describes status of women in society.
  • 500

    Lao-tzu writes Tao Te Ching

    Lao-tzu writes Tao Te Ching
    Teaches that Tao is ineffable and can help people to accomplish great things. It also influences a lot of words and phrases in English
  • Oct 4, 690

    Poetry Writing Included In Civil Service Examination

    Poetry Writing Included In Civil Service Examination
    They included all kinds of poetry for those wishing to serve their government who don't belong to any royal or government official families.
  • Oct 4, 699

    Wang Wei is born

    Wang Wei is born
    He is one of the most famous ancient Chinese artists and poets. He created works mainly based around Buddhism and enlightenment.
  • Oct 4, 701

    Birth of Li Po

    Birth of Li Po
    Led a Chinese Revolt. He was arrested for treason and later pardoned, then based his poems on his life experiences. He inspired poets such as Ezra Pound and James Wright.
  • Oct 4, 868

    The "Diamond Sutra" first book with printed date published

    The "Diamond Sutra" first book with printed date published
    A very important and influential book that is crucial to Buddhism was printed with the date.