Greek 9

Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1100 BCE

    Earliest evidence of Chinese writing

    Earliest evidence of Chinese writing
    Earliest evidence of Chinese writing is found on Shang oracle bones. Oracle bones are pieces of ox scapula or turtle shells and were used for pyromancy (divination).
  • 900 BCE

    Li Ch'ing-chao

    Li Ch'ing-chao
    Song lyrics started being sung by women entertainers and became a major form of poetry. The most famous lyric composure was Li Ch'ing-chao. She wrote these lyrics and poems in Tz'u style.
  • 868 BCE

    Diamond Sutra

    Diamond Sutra
    The first book with a printed date gets published in this time period. The book was called Diamond Sutra. Within the book, there were studies of Zen Buddhism and the theme of devotion. It was found among the Dunhuang manuscripts.
  • 690 BCE

    Poetry increased in significance

    Poetry increased in significance
    Poetry writing got established as a crucial way in order to pass the Civil Service Examination. The civil Service Examinations were tests that were implemented in certain countries for permission to recruit and have admission to the civil service (government entry).
  • 600 BCE

    Earliest Chinese poems

    Earliest Chinese poems
    The earliest known Chinese poem composed during this era. Also, the first anthology of Chinese poetry was complied in 500 B.C called the Shih Ching. There were many famous poets during this time period which inspired ancient China
  • 500 BCE


    Lao-tzu was a legendary founder of Taoism. During this era, he developed a book of his teachings called Tao Te Ching.
  • 479 BCE


    Confucius was a Chinese leader, politician, and philosopher. During this time, he teached about ethical values like honesty, loyalty, and respect for the elders. He recorded his teachings in his book he wrote called Analects.
  • 100 BCE

    Kangxi Zidian

    Kangxi Zidian
    The first Chinese dictionary was invented and it was called Kangxi Zidian. The creator was the Kangxi emperor of the Qing dynasty.