Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1400 BCE

    First Evidence of Writting

    First Evidence of Writting
    In 1400- 1100 B.C. was the earliest evidence of Chinese writing. It was found on the Shang Oracle bones. This was the start of writing in China.
  • 1000 BCE


    The first Chinese poems were found in 1000- 600 B.C.This led to books like the Shih Ching book which was the first anthology of Chinese poetry.
  • 100

    The Chinese Dictionary

    The Chinese Dictionary
    In 100 A.D. was when the first Chinese dictionary was created. This was a huge step in literature for the Chinese.
  • 365

    Tao Ch'ien was born

    Tao Ch'ien was born
    Tao Ch'ien was a very important part of Chinese literature because he was one of the greatest poets in the world.
  • 550


    During 550- 479 B.C, Confucius started to talk about how he thought the world should be. He taught people about honesty, loyalty, and respect for elders. People were so inspired by his words that they began writing them down and later a book called the Analects was published with his ideas.
  • 690

    Poetry Writting at a Rise

    Poetry Writting at a Rise
    In A.D. 690 poetry was at an all time high. It became very popular to write poems.
  • 900

    Tz'u Songs

    In 900 A.D. Tz'u was a type of song lyric often sung by women entertainers. It became a major poetic form and one of the most popular types of lyrics.