Chinese Civil War

  • Boxer Rebellion

    *caused by European powers explouted China's traditionalist society for trade
    *too late for change because the anti-foreign intervention ideology was rooted
    *put down by European powers but Qing was never able to rebound
  • Chinese Unite League (CUL)

    *Shikai tanted consitutional republic led by Sun before this, SUn was a revolutionary that formed CUL
    *proceeded GMD
  • End of the Manchu Qing Dynasty

    • started in the 17th century *increasingly opposed *ruled by force --> compare to Bourbon dynasty of spain
  • Formation of Republic

    *Sun Yat-Sen was the first president until 1914
  • Military Dictatorship

    *Jiang sets in after Sun's death
    --> later proclaimed himself emperor -> connect to Miguel Primo de Rivera to show dictatorships after significant political change
  • Period: to

    Warlord Era

    *created after the end of the military dictatorship
    *resulted in the seperation of China into regions run by the local warlord
  • Fourth of May

    *Protests started after the end of WWI because the formerly Chinese province, Shandong, that was taken by Germany was given to Japan
    * This along with the intellecutal revolution sought reform in China
    --> significant because China was now established as weak in domestic and international politics
    --> ENDED in 1921