Adalines birthday
Adalines real birthday was forgotten, and this was the birthday her dad gave her when she turned 10 -
Adalines mother dies
Her real mother got sick three days after Adaline was born and when her mother died a few weeks later, Adaline was blamed by her family for her mothers death -
Adaline gets a stepmother
Adaline gets a new mom named Niang, and she brings a son and daughter with her -
adalines family disappeared
Adalines father, step mother, and step brother suddenly disappear. -
Adalines grandmother dies
Adalines grandma, Nai Nai, dies from a stroke -
Adaline and her siblings move into a new home
Adaline, her big sister, first and second brother get on a train and move to shanghai with their dad -
the rest of the family move
Adalines third brother, little sister, ye ye, and aunt baba move to shanghai -
get property back
Adalines dad, little sister and third brother go back to tianjin to reclaim their property -
Adaines big sister gets married
Her older sister gets married -
small reunion
Adalines aunt reine takes them to hong kong with her where they meet their father, stepmother, Ye Ye, first brother, second brother, fourth brother, and little sister -
Ye Ye dies
Ye Ye, adalines grandfather, dies -
Adaline goes to collage with her third brother in England -
wriiten response
the timeline shows a theme of perserverance because it shows how much she went though, but she still didnt give up. For example Adalines father blamed her for her mothers death and even forgot her birthday but Adaline still stayed strong. In the book there alot of examples of times where adaline showed low self esteem, like how she felt like an outsider in her family, but she still showed us a one dream can be more important than the negative things that happened throughout her live.