
chinese basketball

By jameus
  • when basketball started

    when basketball started
    basket ball started in 1891, it was invented by a man namned james naismith in springfeild massachusetts
  • when basket ball was introduced

    when basket ball was introduced
    basket ball started in 1902 the first professtional player was namnned wang zhizi, the traditional chinese basket ball never keept individual statistics, they just played for honour of china, this was at least 100 years before Yao Ming was drafted
  • chinese basketball is founded

    chinese basketball is founded
    chinese was founded in 1995, it was introduced in 1930s so it took around 65 years to become offical
  • Yao Ming was drafted

    Yao Ming was drafted
    Yao ming was the first non usa born NBA player, he was drafted in 2002
  • lebron starts tour to china for sports growth

    lebron starts tour to china for sports growth
    on the 21st of july lebron james took a tour to china to help with the sports growth
  • 300 million people play basket ball in china

    300 million people play basket ball in china
    to this very day there are more people playing chinese basket then the entire USA population