Mechanized Elevator created by Elisha Otis
employment plumited for the chinese
10 mil. + immigrants came to the US
most were Protestants from northwestern Europe -
Chinese Exclusion Act
This act provided an absolute 10-year moratorium on Chinese labor immigration -
Chinese Exclusion Act updated
Chinese who had already entered the country. If they left the United States, they had to obtain certifications to re-enter -
arriving on US shores
12 mil. imm. arrived on US shores. -
Ellis Island opened
Immigration Restriction League founded
impose a literacy test on all immigrants -
five mil. southern blacks to north and west
black migration cont.
the migrants continued to move North but many of them headed west to Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/aah/great-migration-1915-1960#sthash.sIdEBx0Q.dpuf -
Exclusion Acts repealed
Congress repealed all the exclusion acts, leaving a yearly limit of 105 Chinese and gave foreign-born Chinese the right to seek naturalization