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China's involvment in WWII

  • The beginning of the battle of Manchuria

    The beginning of the battle of Manchuria
    Japan's invasion into Manhcuria for resources and more room.
  • Japan Money in Manchuria

    Japan Money in Manchuria
    Japan spent 3.7 billion yen by 1936.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Marco Polo Bridge Incident
    The Macro Polo Bridge was the only access point to Southern China. A strategically important railway bridge had been built next to it, linking the southern lines with the junction town of Wanping. If an army were to control Wanping, they could control railways to and from Tianjin, Kalgan, and Taiyuan.
  • The Conclusion on the Marco Polo Bridge

    The Conclusion on the Marco Polo Bridge
    China took back their bridge at 6:00 in the morning.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    The rape of Nanking, when Japan attacked and raped thousands of Chinese citizens and soldiers over a period of six weeks.
  • End of the Rape of Nanking

    End of the Rape of Nanking
    250,000-300,000 people are killed in Nanking.
  • Prince Asaka Interviewed

    Prince Asaka Interviewed
    Prince Asaka is successfuly interviewd by SCAP officers and granted full diplomatic immunity by the Allies.