Period: to
Qing Dynasty is overthrown
Overthrown in 1920 by Sun Yat-sen. He founded Kuomintang (KMT), which is the Nationalist Party. He spread the idea of Democracy in China. This was important because it helped the people of China transition to a democratic country. The end of the Dynastys in China. -
Chiang Kai-shek, the nationalst leader take power
After Sun died he replaced him. And led China. -
The Long March
After Mao Zendond recruits a pesant guerilla army. 1933 Chiang's army surrounds Maos army. The Long March was the communist's 6,000 mile journey to saftey in the North. Out of the 100,000 only 7,000-8,000 survive. It mattered because it marked the Communist surviving and spreading again. -
Mao Zedong becomes Communist leader of China/People's Republic of China is established
Many young people didnt feel that the new government didn't bring order to China. He formed the Communist Party in 1921. He believed peasants would be true revolutionaries and recruits a peasant army. It mattered because, it led to his Red Army that consisted if young college students. He spread the idea that communism would help eveyone. -
Great Leap Forward
All aspects, ownerships, and decisions would be in the hands of the dovernment. Farmers didn't like working on land that they didn't own, production decreased. Famine resulted in at least 14,000,000 deaths. It was abandoned in 1960. It mattered because It led people to think that production of food was skyrocketing, the gov. didn't lower the minimum ton for wheat and people couldnt keep up. Everyone was paid the same and some peope didnt work that much and still got paid. -
Cultural Revolution
Many people wanted private ownership, as a result, Mao esrablished the Red Gaurd(Young College Students). Their job was to make war on anything that encouraged class differences. Many education leaders were arrested and killed. It mattered because the Red Gaurd destroyed the 4 Olds. Most religious or cultural aspects were lost. Relegious places and statues were destroyed. -
Deng Xiaoping becomes leader
Mao Zedong dies in 1976. He takes power in 1980-1997.More moderate. He allows farmers to own land and some private buisnesses. It opned China to forein investment and new technology. It mattered because the Chinese people were exposed to western ideas and Demosract. Chinas GDP was almost flat until he was leader, the GDP skyrocketed and it led to the China today. -
Tiananmen Square Massacre
1989over 10,000 students gathered to protest for Democracy. Chinese troops came and killed about 1,000 demonstrators. The pro-democracy movement ended. It mattered because although Deng did allow more economic freedoms, it showed that the Chinese government didnt allow political freedoms. You had to stick to the politicat ways of China.